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And there are other people who love peace, and seek after it in the cowardly fashion of letting things alone; whose 'peacemaking' has no nobler source than hatred of trouble, and a wish to let sleeping dogs lie. These, instead of being peacemakers, are war-makers, for they are laying up materials for a tremendous explosion some day.

"The Christian Spirit and Internationalism" was her subject, yet she showed no meek sample of a Christian Spirit herself when she came to attacking war-makers generally, as well as all those "half-developed tribesmen," and "victims of herd instinct" who believed that war might ever be justified under any circumstances of atrocity.

He had astonished the leisurely war-makers and phlegmatic veterans of the time, both among friends and foes, by the unexampled rapidity of his movements and the concentration of his attacks. He had carried great waggon trains and whole parks of siege artillery the heaviest then known over roads and swamps which had been deemed impassable even for infantry.

Their counsel was disregarded and the war came, and events have proved that they were right and the war-makers wrong, and the very fact that the wars took place is cited as disapproving their "theories." It is a like confusion of thought which prompts Mr. Churchill to refer to Pacifists as people who deem the danger of war an illusion. This persistent misconception is worth a little examination.

Instead of preaching, 'Blessed are the peace-makers, they preach, 'Blessed are the war-makers, and they believe that the Almighty intends them to make war." "Yes," replied Mr. Scarsfield, "I must admit that. I have read those writers you mention; read them with a sad heart." "When I read them," said Bob, "I was obliged to throw them away from me, as if I had been touching unclean things.

The inexorable genius of the commander skilled in a science which to the coarser war-makers of that age seemed almost superhuman hovered above them like a fate. It was as well to succumb on the 24th June as to wait till the 24th July.

The inexorable genius of the commander skilled in a science which to the coarser war-makers of that age seemed almost superhuman hovered above them like a fate. It was as well to succumb on the 24th June as to wait till the 24th July.

He had astonished the leisurely war-makers and phlegmatic veterans of the time, both among friends and foes, by the unexampled rapidity of his movements and the concentration of his attacks. He had carried great waggon trains and whole parks of siege artillery the heaviest then known over roads and swamps which had been deemed impassable even for infantry.

The inexorable genius of the commander skilled in a science which to the coarser war-makers of that age seemed almost superhuman hovered above them like a fate. It was as well to succumb on the 24th June as to wait till the 24th July.

Out of sight, but instantly available, were frightful engines of destruction, waiting to be mobilized against the Earth branch of the human race. And on that distant green planet were people much like these, unconscious still of the butchery into which they were being deftly maneuvered by calculating psychologists, expert war-makers.