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Captain Edson, while we're pesterin' 'round at the Plaza Chico, attaches to his retinoo a Mexican boy; an' as our boogles begins to sing an' we lines out for that west'ard push, this yere boy rides along with Edson an' the lancers. "'Our old war chief who has charge of our wanderin's is strictly stern an' hard.

Crymble unceremoniously into a calico-covered rocking-chair, whipped off the hard hat and hung it up, and took from Mr. Crymble's resisting hands the little valise that he had clung to with grim resolution. "Now, said Cap'n Sproul, you are back once more in your happy home after wanderin's in strange lands.

"There ain't no chips lyin' around unless you've put 'em in your pocket, same's you did before." Kiddie smiled again. He had moved to the fire to put on the eggs. "You're becomin' quite observant, Rube," he said. "See anythin' special on your solitary wanderin's?" "Guess I found this here scrap of paper," Rube answered.

"When I came home to Palermo a year ago or so, after all my wanderin's, they wouldn't elect me so much as hog-reeve seemed to be down on me all 'round. But here heard what they did last night?" There was pride in his tones. "They elected me foreman of the Smyrna Ancient and Honer'ble Firemen's Association." "And you let 'em hornswoggle you into takin' it?" demanded the Cap'n.

He said when he recounted all his wanderin's and tribulations on the road and at tarvens with starvation and tight clothes and all the other various hampers he'd been hampered with he said that it would beat that old Odyssy to nothin' and nobody would ever look at it agin.

I call them apes, but they carried sticks and stones in their hands and jabbered talk to each other, and ended up by tyin' our hands with creepers, so they are ahead of any beast that I have seen in my wanderin's.

"Drat the little beggars," he was muttering as he kept on digging at his leg, "they sure do beat anything I ever run acrost in all my wanderin's. It ain't so bad to be slappin' at pesky skeeters, 'cause I'm used to sich bloodsuckers; but sandflies, and' jiggers, an' redbugs make a combination that'd be hard to beat."