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A kind of wistful contortion passed over Mom Wallis's hopeless countenance, as if she saw before her in all its possibility of perfection the life that she herself had lost.

Being now in Wallis's track, islands were sighted almost every day, and almost all appeared inhabited, but owing to the want of safe anchorage, no communication could be held with the natives.

A scheme, worthy of Mrs Wallis's understanding, by all accounts; but my sensible nurse Rooke sees the absurdity of it. 'Why, to be sure, ma'am, said she, 'it would not prevent his marrying anybody else. And, indeed, to own the truth, I do not think nurse, in her heart, is a very strenuous opposer of Sir Walter's making a second match.

I'll send the chintz round to-night; and any other old things I can find to help along." So that night came a great bundle, which, on opening, revealed not only the chintz, but a nice calico, some plaid ribbon, a large black alpaca apron, and an old shirt of Mr. Wallis's. Such a busy time as Mary had in planning how to make the most of these gifts. The chintz was long and full.

Intercourse with the natives Their appearance and condition Remarks on the Salt or Darling River Appearance of the marshes on our return Alarm for safety of the provision party Return to Mount Harris Miserable condition of the natives Circumstances attending the slaughter of two Irish runaways Bend our course towards the Castlereagh Wallis's Ponds Find the famished natives feeding on gum Channel of the Castlereagh Character of the country in its vicinity Another tribe of natives Amicable intercourse with them Morrisset's chain of Ponds Again reach the Darling River ninety miles higher up than where we first struck upon it.

At this time, the northermost island in sight bore N. 9 E., Cape Cornwall E., distant three leagues, and Wallis's Isles S. 3 E., distant three leagues. This bank, at least so much as we have sounded, extends nearly N. and S., but to what distance I do not know: Its breadth is not more than half a mile at the utmost.

Nor have any signs of halting or of decrepitude manifested themselves in our own times. As in Dr. Wallis's days, so in these, "our business is, precluding theology and state affairs, to discourse and consider of philosophical enquiries."