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Only, as a small, trivial, rather ridiculous object of the commonest domestic use, it's just wanting in-what shall I say? Well, dignity, or the least approach to distinction. Right here therefore, with everything about us so grand !" In short he shrank. "It's a false note?" "Sadly. It's vulgar." "But surely not vulgarer than this."

Poetry is not a marketable commodity in England, save when it flatters a royal patron, or takes the vulgarer form of a stage-play. But this poem of Mr. Milton's has been the solace of his darkened life. You have heard, perhaps, of his blindness?" "Yes, he had to forego his office as Latin Secretary to that villain.

Behind the coarseness and the threatenings, the melodrama and the display of the vulgarer sort there arises a great and noble people.... I have talked with Germans of the better kind.... You cannot have a whole nation of Christophes.... There also the true knighthood discovers itself.... I do not believe this war will overtake us." "WELL!" said White.

She had submitted to a loveless marriage and lost her lover; but the dukedom was to make amends. He knew well that it would be so with nine women out of ten. But the bare thought that it might be so with Julie maddened him. He then was to be for her, in the future, the mere symbol of the vulgarer pleasures and opportunities, while Warkworth held her heart? Nay!

The "kitten" seemed to him so pathetic that he forgot Eleanor's exquisiteness, and told her about the bruised wrist and the reeking coat, and how pretty the girl was. "I don't know anything vulgarer than perfumery!" his wife said, with a delicate shrug. Maurice agreed, adding, with a grin, that he had noticed that when ladies were short on the odor of sanctity, they were long on the odor of musk.

I hate to have to speak to people of that sort." "Then you consider him vulgar," said Marian, disappointed. "N no. Not vulgarer than anybody else. He couldnt be that." "Sherry and soda, Marian?" said Marmaduke, approaching. "No, thank you, Marmaduke. Get Nelly something."

Allen, "had done her best" to indoctrinate the child with the pure milk of the emancipating social gospel; "but the child herself seemed to hark back, of internal congruity, to the lower and vulgarer moral plane of her remoter ancestry.

There were patches of grey on the walls, which had once been painted with garlands of roses and Cupids and pastoral scenes by a noted artist of the Great Age. The ceiling had fallen in places, and the woodwork of the carved furniture gave forth a subtle scent of dry rot. But everything was in an exquisite taste which vulgarer generations have never yet succeeded in imitating.

He had expected something of a vulgarer and rougher type. The handwriting was clearly disguised, and there was a certain amount of intermittent bad spelling, which might very easily be a disguise also.

There were patches of grey on the walls, which had once been painted with garlands of roses and Cupids and pastoral scenes by a noted artist of the Great Age. The ceiling had fallen in places, and the woodwork of the carved furniture gave forth a subtle scent of dry rot. But everything was in an exquisite taste which vulgarer generations have never yet succeeded in imitating.