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In the vast sea between the coast of Chili and the Low Islands or the dangerous Archipelago, very few animals appear to live near the surface, at least we saw none; a quantity of flying-fish were seen, resembling the Exocoetus volitans, but having the rays of the breast-fins parted towards the end.

I invite naturalists to examine whether other flying-fish, for instance the Exocoetus exiliens, the Trigla volitans, amid the T. hirundo, have as capacious an air-bladder as the flying-fish of the tropics. This last follows the heated waters of the Gulf-stream when they flow northward.

Off the Cape de Verd Islands, in addition to the Exocoetus volitans, which abounds there, various specimens of the much larger Exocoetus exsiliens of Cuvier alighted on board our vessel. The latter species is distinguished by the long black fins of the belly, and by its remarkably large eyes, differing greatly from the species described by Gmelin under the same denomination.

The rays of the dorsal and pectoral fins are so elongated, that when specimens were first brought to Europe it was conjectured that these fishes have the faculty of flight, and hence the specific name of "volitans" But this is an error, for, owing to the deep incisions between the pectoral rays, the pteroids are wholly unable to sustain themselves in the air.

In the face of such a sight as this, which is of everyday occurrence in these latitudes, how trivial and misleading the statements made by the natural history books seem. They tell their readers that the EXOCETUS VOLITANS "does not fly; does not flutter its wings; can only take a prolonged leap," and so on.

"Sancta Isolda, Sancta Isolda, Genetricis Ancilla," went the choir, "Ora, ora pro nobis." And then "Quoe de coelis volitans, Sacras manus agitans, Foves in suppliciis Me, ne extra gregulo Tuo unus ferulo Pereat in vitiis."... and so on. The youngsters sang with a good will, while Master Porges, as poet and man of piety, glowed in his skin.

Amadina Lathami. castanotus, GOULD. Rhipidura albiscapa, GOULD. Motacilloides. Seisura volitans, VIG. and HORSF. Microeca macroptera, GOULD. Smicrornis brevirostris, GOULD. Corvus Coronoides, VIG. and HORSF. Chlamydera maculata, GOULD. Corcorax leucopterus, LESS. Pomatorhinus trivirgatus, Temm. temporalis, VIG. and HORSF. Cacatua galerita, Vieill. Leadbeateri. Licmetis nasicus, Wagl.