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I invite naturalists to examine whether other flying-fish, for instance the Exocoetus exiliens, the Trigla volitans, amid the T. hirundo, have as capacious an air-bladder as the flying-fish of the tropics. This last follows the heated waters of the Gulf-stream when they flow northward.

First, then, there are two species belonging to the genus Trigla, or the Gurnards, to which Monsieur La Cepede has given the name of Dactylopterus. One species is found in the Mediterranean, and individuals, from a foot to fifteen inches in length, are often taken by the fishermen, and brought to the markets of Malta, Sicily, and even to the city of Rome.

By this latter means the Trigla produces pure and long-drawn sounds which range over nearly an octave. But the most interesting case for us is that of two species of Ophidium, in which the males alone are provided with a sound-producing apparatus, consisting of small movable bones, with proper muscles, in connection with the swim bladder.

Christmas found him busy upon two papers written almost concurrently: the one 'A Description of a Kind of Trigla vulgarly confounded with Trigla Blochii, intended for Loudon's 'Magazine of Natural History, the other, 'On Savagery in Dogs and Methods of Meeting their Attacks, for the Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall. He had reached this striking passage,

Trichius, difference of colour in the sexes of a species of. Trigla. Trigonocephalus, noise made by tail of.