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Allen, S., on the habits of Hoplopterus; on the plumes of herons; on the vernal moult of Herodius bubulcus. Alligator, courtship of the male; roaring of the male. Amadavat, pugnacity of male. Amadina Lathami, display of plumage by the male. Amadina castanotis, display of plumage by the male. Amazons, butterflies of the; fishes of the.

They continued their northern course for twenty-five miles farther, when they reached a hollow with natives' foot-marks all over it, and some diamond sparrows, Amadina of Gould. Again they were unsuccessful in all their searches for water. Going farther north for fifteen miles, they observed some smoke to the north-east, and reached the place in six or seven miles.

The Amadina Lathami, to which we always looked as the harbinger of good, was met with in every part of the interior where there was water and frequently at such vast distances from it, when migrating, I suppose, that vast numbers must have perished.

Weir has kept two species of Amadina from Australia: the A. castanotis is a very small and chastely coloured finch, with a dark tail, white rump, and jet-black upper tail- coverts, each of the latter being marked with three large conspicuous oval spots of white.

The male Amadina Lathami behaves very differently, exhibiting before the female his brilliantly spotted breast, scarlet rump, and scarlet upper tail-coverts. I may here add from Dr. The common pigeon has iridescent feathers on the breast, and every one must have seen how the male inflates his breast whilst courting the female, thus shewing them off to the best advantage.