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The nutriment supplied by the female parent in viviparous animals to their young progeny may be divided into three kinds, corresponding with the age of the new creature. 1. The nutriment contained in the ovum as previously prepared for the embryon in the ovary. 2.

There is a bulb, frequently seen on birch-trees, like a bird's nest, which seems to be a similar attempt of nature, to produce another tree; which falling off might take root in spongy ground. There is an instance of this double mode of production in the animal kingdom, which is equally extraordinary: the same species of Aphis is viviparous in summer, and oviparous in autumn. A. T. Bladh. Amoen.

It is also, in my opinion, unreasonable to suppose that the rudimentary corpora lutea of lower viviparous Vertebrates arose as a mutation the result of which was to cause internal development of the ovum.

Add to this, that in the most simple kind of vegetable reproduction, I mean the buds of trees, which are their viviparous offspring, the leaf is evidently the parent of the bud, which rises in its bosom, according to the observation of Linnaeus. This leaf consists of absorbent vessels, and pulmonary ones, to obtain its nutriment, and to impregnate it with oxygene.

This hunt, however, had no permanent effect in keeping down the serpent population. Viviparous, creatures are a kind of specie-paying lot, but oviparous ones only give their notes, as it were, for a future brood, an egg being, so to speak, a promise to pay a young one by and by, if nothing happen.

The Festuca Dometorum, fescue grass of the bushes, produces bulbs from the sheaths of its straw. The Allium Magicum, or magical onion, produces onions on its head, instead of seeds. The Polygonum Viviparum, viviparous bistort, rises about a foot high, with a beautiful spike of flowers, which are succeeded by buds or bulbs, which fall off and take root.

It is these purses, and those of the thornback and the edible skate, that we oftenest pick up on the English coast. The larger oceanic sharks are mostly viviparous. In some few cases, indeed, among the shark and ray family, the mechanism for protection goes a step or two further than in these simple kinds.

The Akka are viviparous. The female produces progeny at five-year intervals, never more than two at a time. They are monogamous, like certain of our own Ranidae.

Innovating people do conform to current usage, albeit they conform unwillingly and imperfectly. There is a constant breaking down and building up of usage, and as a consequence a lessened need of wholesale substitutions. Human methods have become viviparous; the New nowadays lives for a time in the form of the Old.

These creatures do, and apparently can, live nowhere else than in the interior of other living bodies, where they generally take up their abode in the viscera, but also sometimes in the chambers of the eye, the interior of the brain, the serous sacs, and other places having no communication from without. Some are viviparous, others oviparous.