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But on the wings of fancy this child would fly far, too far all wistfulness and warmth beneath that light veneer of absurd composure.

Far within him was the loathing of the savage for something abnormal; the loathing that once left the physically unfit to die. Yet superimposed on this loathing was the veneer of civilization, that forces kindness and gentleness and self-denial toward the fit that the unfit may be kept alive.

The mediaeval epic poets who dealt with antique subjects took over the pagan gods more or less. Sometimes, as in the Romance of Troy, the Christian veneer is so thick that the pagan groundwork is but slightly apparent; in other poems, such as the adaptation of the Aeneid, it is more in evidence.

One was red-faced and obese, the other was tall, thin and wiry and showed as many seams in his face as a blighted apple. Neither of the two had anything to recommend him either in appearance or address, save a certain veneer of polite assumption as transparent as it was offensive.

"Promise me that you will make him I am so fearful of that awful " she broke off abruptly. Her fears were proving too much for her, and she was in imminent danger of a complete breakdown; all the veneer with which she had bravely commenced the interview had disappeared.

I felt myself flushing and would have liked not to answer. But, alas, would she not by degrees have discovered all the pettiness that is ill-concealed under my thin veneer of self-control and determination? I tried to reveal it all in one sentence: "Know this, Rose, that it is in myself and in myself alone that I study the women that I would not be!" I watch my great girl while she talks.

He is cultivated, undeniably good-looking, a strong man, mentally and physically." Elsa's expression was now enigmatical. "There's not much veneer to him. He fooled me unintentionally. He was quite evidently born a gentleman, of a race of gentlemen. His is not an isolated case. One misstep, and the road to the devil."

I'm merely a civilized being with the veneer off. I am not hidden under an artificial coat of manner. No, I laugh ha! ha! I skip, ha! ha! with a light trip on one foot. 'I cry, in a dismal tone. 'In fact, I am a man in his natural state civilized sufficiently, but not over civilized. 'What's your name? asked Mr Villiers, wondering whether the portly gentleman was mad.

"I have suspected," he said, "I have had a kind of feeling that she Well, come, Doctor, I don't know that there 's any use in disguising the matter, I have thought Elsie Veneer had rather a fancy for somebody else, I mean myself."

He had dined with a friend at Pousset's; he had passed the evening at the Exhibition, and he had had a bare touch of the real thing in the Rue de Tournon; but even there it was in the company of foreigners. Therefore, I repeat, he woke up next morning wondering what he should do, for the veneer of Paris is the thinnest in the world, and he had exhausted it in one feverish day.