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It is not only dangerous, but even unbecoming and unmaidenly." "I knew you would say that also," said Margaret, with more meekness and patience than she usually showed on receiving reproof; "but, God knows, my heart acquits me of every other feeling save that of the wish to assist this most innocent and betrayed man.

The terrible noises all around her were, she now fancied, but the jeering and hooting of rude men who had seen her unmaidenly forwardness. With a burning face she flew to the postern and slipped out, once more taking the course which had become so familiar to her feet.

I'm sick of libraries, and of being efficient! I want to be a real girl! Oh, I wish I wish I had a lot of money, and a rose-garden, and a husband!" The Liberry Teacher was aghast at herself. She hadn't meant to wish such a very unmaidenly thing so hard.

And presently his surmise was converted into certainty; for looking through a cranny of the barge-room door, he saw the young woman fling her leg on the table and pull up her stocking in a most unmaidenly manner.

I blush for you when you speak, it is unmaidenly so to love any one!" Madeline rose from the window, but the angry word died on her lips when she saw that Ellinor, who had worked her mind beyond her self-control, had thrown herself back on the pillow, and now sobbed aloud.

I pray God I may never have a husband, if I cannot be his wife." Patience shuddered in her sister's embrace, as these bold words were spoken with energy. "I tell you, Patty, just as I tell myself, because you love me so dearly." "I do love you; oh, I do love you." "I do not think it can be unmaidenly to tell the truth to you and to myself. How can I help telling it to myself? There it is.

"Take him by the ear to the nearest church and marry him," Lucille would reply; or "Stick to him like a leech for evermore, Auntie"; or "Marry him when he isn't looking, or while he's asleep, if he's ill or by the scruff of his neck if he's well...." "Justice" Spywell could not hear these terrible and unmaidenly sentiments! And with reproving smile the gentle spinster would reply: "My dear!

What was she, to think to come between them with her love? She was very bitter to herself and unjust in her first misery, but her feeling changed. Her heart rebelled against her own verdict. She had not acted an unmaidenly part in the matter. She had never thought of harm coming to her, or to anyone, out of the pleasant intercourse of these months the renewal of their old friendship.

Nancy wondered if Elfrida were to have her trip to Italy, but she could not put the question without appearing unmaidenly since she knew so well the only condition of the trip; and as Woodbridge had not many girls that were eligible for Leofwin's love, the prospect was indeed black.

Indeed, my father openly upbraids me with being fickle, inconstant, unmaidenly, and I know not what besides, until I am driven to my wit's end to keep the peace between us. Yet I doubt not, if he knew the truth, he would marry me willy-nilly to Count Hendrick Luitken by force."