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Not a moment was to be lost, and as soon as two other boats could be patched up, more of the Triton's crew were sent on board to repair the damages the prize had received. She proved to be the Mahonesa, and her brave captain, Don Tomas Ayaldi.

Sometimes they assume a shadow of their ancient pomp, and glide in state about the glassy sea; while the crew of some tall Indiaman, that lies becalmed with flapping sails, hear with astonishment the mellow note of the Triton's shell swelling upon the ear, as the invisible pageant sweeps by.

In one of their coves was the Triton's native village, and the home of the Ferraguts hunters of black pirates in other days, contrabandists at times in modern days, sailors in all ages, appearing originally, perhaps, from those first wooden horses that came leaping over the foam seething around the promontory.

The natives showed a very great friendliness towards the Triton's people, and at about ten in the morning two boats left the ship for the shore, and Channing, accompanied by one of his Marines, who carried a fowling-piece, set out by themselves along the winding path that encircled the narrow littoral of the island off which the frigate lay.

It was the shell called "voluta musica." This was the first one of those shells found during the expedition. After a careful search he found twenty-three more of the same kind, and several large shells known as "Triton's trumpet." The bucket was filled. Paul followed it to the surface well satisfied with his first day's work as a submarine diver.

It looked to me as if there was enough sail to fly away with the whole ship and her cargo; for, the breeze being light and fair, we had all our courses, and topsails, and topgallant-sails, and royals set with studding-sails also on either side, almost sweeping the sparkling waters which danced off from the Triton's sharp bows as she clove her stately yet rapid way through the ocean.

The second lieutenant being left on shore and the third being ill, Headland and Harry were doing duty in their places, though the third lieutenant came on deck when he heard of the pending action. The stranger, which hoisted Spanish colours, and was seen to be of 34 guns, two more than the Triton, approaching within hail then hauled to the wind, on the Triton's weather beam.

The following year Doña Cristina tried to prevent the Triton's carrying off her son, since he could learn nothing but bad words and boastful bullying in the old home of the Ferraguts. And trumping up the necessity of seeing her own family, she left the notary alone in Valencia, going with her boy to spend the summer on the coast of Catalunia near the French frontier.

I have sailed the salt seas, brother, since I was no higher than the Triton's taffrel east, west, north, and south, as the saying is Blacks, Indians, Moors, Morattos, and Seapoys; but, smite my timbers! such a man of war "

The next morning Jack was unusually fidgety till the post came in, and there was a blank look on his countenance when the post-bag was opened and it produced no letter for him. Soon after breakfast, however, Admiral Triton's carriage drove up to the door, and out of it stepped the admiral himself.