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It distresses me to say it, but it would not be for your comfort to tarry here." "But I am belated, and have lost my way. I must come in." "I will call my husband. Herman, come here!" She stepped aside, when an elderly man appeared, holding a light shaded by his hand, and followed by a group of children. "I am a belated traveler," said he to Herman, the collier, "and I have lost my way.

The driver, a young man, had his head turned and was talking to three companions who sat in the tonneau. He did not see the dusty traveler in the road ahead. The boys set up a shout. "Look out! you'll run him down. Look out " But their caution came too late.

Baird the Ironmaster; his yacht race with the Grand Duke Alexander; interesting scenes at his table. The traveler Atkinson and Siberia. Blockade of the Neva by the allied fleet. A great opportunity lost. Russian caricatures during the Crimean War. Visit to Moscow. Curious features in the Kremlin, the statue of Napoleon; the Crown, Sceptre, and Constitution of Poland.

All honor to the names of Mr. and Mrs. James Manning, the pioneers of Montana. The traveler and his guide, declining the hospitality which this brave matron tendered them, soon returned to their camp on the hill-top; but the Englishman made notes of the pioneer woman's story, and pondered over it, for he saw in it an epitome of frontier life.

There is undoubtedly very much of comfort in this; and the mind of the traveler is lost in amazement as he thinks of the futile efforts with which he would struggle to regain his luggage were there no such arrangement.

And it might as well be said here, for it will have to be insisted on later, that the traveler, who has read about the illicit stills till his imagination dwells upon the indulgence of his vitiated tastes in the mountains of North Carolina, is doomed to disappointment.

The place used not to fancy foreigners, and its inns bandied the European traveler about like a bale of undesirable merchandise with the duties still due. But now, what a change! The innkeeper not only received us, but led the way at once to the best room, a room in the second story of the fireproof storehouse at the back, which he hoped would be comfortable. Comfortable!

Among the varieties of needless worry imposed upon the traveler by the insistent habit, none is more common, or more easily overcome, than the refusal to sleep unless noise and light are quite shut out.

I look upon every one here, Ella, as a traveler placed upon the great highway called destiny with a secret power within that impels him forward, but allows no pause nor retrograde.

Godkin arrived in America in November, 1856, and soon afterwards, with Olmsted's "Journey in the Seaboard Slave States," the "Back Country," and "Texas," as guidebooks, took a horseback journey through the South. Following closely Olmsted's trail, and speaking therefore with knowledge, he has paid him one of the highest compliments one traveler ever paid another.