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"But it is bad. Big Dan mumkull kill. Shoot powder." "Jackum don't care fig," said the man, nonchalantly. "Jackum baal want be mumkull." "But you will be killed if you stop," said Carey, excitedly. The black laughed softly. "Jackum be mumkull, Jackum 'top? Car-ee no kill Jackum. Like Jackum lots. Give Jackum ticky-ticky." "You don't understand," cried Carey. "Big Dan will kill us all if we stop."

"Yes, but that was on the water, my lad," said Bostock, shaking his head. "Bob Bob, come along; kedge wallaby snakum ticky-ticky." "Who's to do the cooking if I do?" growled Bostock. "Cookie, come kedge ticky-ticky." "No. I say, my lad, keep your weather eye open." "Both of them, Bob. I'll take care." The paddles were plunged in again, and the boat glided onward.

"They are all awfully civil to me now," said Carey to Bostock, "but I think it's a good deal due to the ticky-ticky. I say, Bob, how long will the molasses last?" "Oh, some time yet, sir." "But when the last jar's eaten?" "Then you must try the pickles, sir.

"Big tree, ticky-ticky, fly dat how." "Oh, I see; fly ticky-ticky," cried Carey. "Honey?" "Good ticky-ticky," said the black, licking his fingers and smacking his lips. "Come 'long."

"Kedge bird wallaby. Be ticky-ticky, up a tree." "Be ticky-ticky?" said the boy, wonderingly. "Ess. Come 'long; be ticky-ticky. Buzz-zz-uzz," he went, with a wonderfully good imitation of the whirr of an insect's wings, while he made his hand describe the dartings to and fro.

"All gone 'way," he said, rather solemnly, as if disappointed at not being able to join the banquet. "Jackum want eat." "Yes, of course. Come along. Here, Bob, what can you give him to eat?" The black's eyes sparkled, as he turned eagerly to Bostock. "What yer like, Sooty?" said the latter. "Bob gib ticky-ticky; Pick Dilly. Much cake." "Look ye here," said the old sailor. "You love damper?" "Iss.

Damper." "Ticky-ticky?" "Iss. Much ticky-ticky." "And I'll light a fire and roast something for you to eat by-and-by." "Jackum no like roast somefin. Cooky big bird." "Yes, I'll cook a big bird for you. That do? Come along then."

"Jackum eat allum damper, allum ticky-ticky. Good!" cried the black, grinning. "Well, I couldn't ha' done it myself in the time," said Bostock. "Here, lay hold." He pointed to the partially demolished light, which the black seized and wrenched off, threw it down on the deck, and then, without hesitation, glided through, and dropped softly into the saloon cabin. "You go next, Bob."