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I'll not be the one to arouse the slumbers of this peaceful vale." "Driver," interrupted Will sharply, "stop your cab." "No, no, Will, you'll only make a bad matter worse. Let's keep on and do the best we can. It'll only call attention to ourselves," said Foster hastily. "Thatsh sho," assented Mott noisily, swaying in his seat as he spoke. "Keep on, driver.

"Well, how do you feel pretty good?" said the little gossip, grinning up in the old red face. "No, shur! I do not. I feel like a child on a cold night wish all the bedclothes pulled off me thatsh how I feel. How do you feel?" "Same here, Colonel!"

"Drink!" a voice cried. "I don't want any drink" A strong hand had him by the collar, and the house was rocking violently to and fro; he could scarcely keep his feet. "Wake up, you're drunk. Is Miss Porter down stairs?" "Porter, Porter, yesh, Portersh gal; thatsh what I said. Whatsh matter with you? leg-go. Keep cool, don't get excited." "Here, get out go down stairs!" And he did, hurriedly.

Gimme oyster fork or clam, for that matter an' a bread n' butter knife 'n I'm all right. But gotta square wife somehow. Take her home nice preshent. Thatsh me sure thash mine!" and carefully trying to balance himself, he reached forward as though to take the stained dagger from the hand of the detective.