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In tertian fever, the morbific cause seeking the heart in the first instance, and hanging about the heart and lungs, renders the patient short-winded, disposed to sighing, and indisposed to exertion, because the vital principle is oppressed and the blood forced into the lungs and rendered thick.

As soon as they arrived in camp 25 men were attacked with tertian malaria; 15 are cured, 10 are still being treated with quinine. Of 7 attacked with dysentery 5 are now cured. Ten men were suffering from trachoma and are still being treated with protargol. There has been no typhoid fever, nor typhus, nor any other epidemic in the camp.

The poor missionaries of the Orinoco, who are afflicted with tertian fevers during a great part of the year, seldom travel without a little bag filled with frutas de burro.

I went this summer to Forges, to try, by means of the waters there, to get rid of a tertian fever that quinquina only suspended.

After waiting about six weeks at this unhealthy spot, in which, however, by the kind attentions of Colonel Nunes and his nephew, I partially recovered from my tertian, H. M. brig "Frolic" arrived off Kilimane. As the village is twelve miles from the bar, and the weather was rough, she was at anchor ten days before we knew of her presence about seven miles from the entrance to the port.

Between the hunger that he often suffered, and the persistent tertian fevers, he was very thin and his complexion was citreous. He was not, like his father, deformed, but slender, delicate, with sparkling eyes and rapid, jerky motions. He looked, as the saying is, like a rat under a bowl. One of the proofs of his inventive genius was a mechanical snuffler that he had made of a shoe-polish tin.

The periods of tertian fevers, reckoned from the commencement of one cold fit to the commencement of the next cold fit, recur with solar intervals of forty-eight hours, or with lunar ones of about fifty hours.

Ah, a mother is a mother, let her be a cottager or a queen. And she sorrowed so sorely that for weeks afterwards she lay ill, and all the skill of her physicians could avail nothing. The Lord King, too, fell sick of a tertian fever, which held him many days, and I believe it was out of sheer anguish for his dearest child.

The imposing scene before me, after a long absence from social meetings in civilized life, was very cheering, and, had it not been for the inertia I felt at the time, arising from a fatiguing journey and the tertian ague, I should have felt disposed to participate in the day's enjoyment.

"Of the sweeping whirlpool's sway, That, hushed in grim repose, looked for his evening prey." That came but too surely. Yes, evening never forgot to come; this odious necessity of fighting never missed its road back, or fell asleep, or loitered by the way, more than a bill of exchange or a tertian fever.