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"Oh, Turlough! why did you do anything so wild as putting your head into that pot?" "He didn't, Nursey," said Terry, trembling and pale. "It was I who put it on his head for a helmet." "I can believe it, Terencia Mary," said Nurse. "You are always the ringleader. And why did they call you Mary, like your gentle mother and grandmother?

The contrast between him and the light-limbed, quick-speaking Terry was remarkable, and to no one more obvious than to Turly himself, who had the most adoring admiration of his lively sister. "Are they to have their tea in the nursery, madam?" asked Nurse Nancy, who had been standing by, a witness of Granny's attempt and failure to scold. "No, Nancy; no! Terencia is going to be good.

There was a little excitement about the unpacking of her things and setting out the little presents she had got for Granny. Nurse Nancy too had to be surprised and delighted at the gift of a nice, large, white lawn kerchief, hemmed by Terencia, such as Nancy was accustomed to wear folded round her neck and across her breast, and which was so becoming to her dear old black eyes and brown face.

And Nurse said it was down somewhere, and I came out to look for fresh eggs to give Gran'ma a surprise for breakfast." "And now what would be your name, little lady, an' who would be your gran'ma?" "My name is Terencia Mary, and my grandmama is Madam Trimleston," said Terry. The man gave a whistle of surprise. "Faith and Missus Nancy might look afther ye betther," he said.

An' her havin' to grow up a young lady with nothin' but niceness in her! Ah, then now, madam, why didn't ye call her Mary, the same as her grandmother before her?" "We did, Nancy; you forget that we did," urged Madam mildly. "We named her Terencia Mary."

It was hoped she would have been a boy, and her father gave her the name he had intended for a boy; only we softened it, Nancy, softened and changed Terence into Terencia." A smile lighted up Nurse Nancy's wrinkled face. "Well now, madam, as if anybody couldn't see through that little thrick! To call her for a fightin' ould warrior that bet Cromwell an' held his own in spite of him!