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Last fall Hugo ban gone a vhiles back East again, and vhen you comes I tank mebbe you some nice gal he promise to marry. Even vhen de telegraft come I make sure it is so. I pring de bit paper here myself an' vaits a vhiles, but he no come and I haf to go on. I vanted to see de happy face on him. I say to myself, 'Hah!

"Oh, I'll be here," laughed the old fellow. "It's home to me." Telegraph Hill The Latin Quarter. The signal station of '49 and a view of the city as it was. The Golden Gate. Telegraph Hill of Unique Fame "Would you like to go up 'crazy owld, daisy owld Telegraft Hill'," I asked in a softened mood as we moved away. "There is just about time." "Indeed I should," he answered.

The riverman turned on him almost savagely. "Down soon!" he snorted. "So'll the water be 'down soon. It's dropping every minute. That telegraft of yours won't even start out before to-morrow morning. Don't you fool yourself. That Twin Falls outfit is just too tickled to do us up. It'll be two days before anybody shows up, and then where are you at?

"What I know about these here fancy city rules ain't sufficient to give a horn-toad a headache but it's a darn sight more'n I care," Casey declaimed hotly. "I never was asked what I thought of them tin signs you stick up on the end of a telegraft pole, to tell folks when to go an' when to quit goin'. Mebby it's all right fer these here city drivers "