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"Ay, fayther, I have," said Betty, quietly. "Well, now," said Johnson, clenching his teeth, "you just mind me, I'll have nothing of the sort in my house. I hate your nasty, mean, sneaking teetottallers we'll have none of that sort here. D'ye hear?" he shouted. Neither Samuel nor Betty spoke. "Hush, hush, Tom," broke in his wife; "you mustn't scold the childer so.

I'm no fonder nor you of the teetottallers, but childer will not be driven. Come, Sammul come, Betty, you mustn't be obstinate; you know fayther means what he says." "Ay that I do," said her husband.

Ay, wouldn't that be a rare game?" A roar of laughter followed this speech. But Johnson's blood was up. "And why shouldn't I join the teetottallers if I've a mind?" he cried. "I don't see what good the drink's done to me nor mine. And as for Ned Brierley, he's a gradely Christian. I've given him nothing afore but foul words; but I'll give him no more."

They'll be lounging about, looking as limp as a strap out of gear, till they've got the ale in them, and then they're all for swearing and shouting up and down the lanes." "I can't deny," said Johnson, "that you teetottallers have the best of it in many ways. It's a bad bringing-up for childer to see such goings- on as is in Barnes's house."

Mr Frank saved Jacob from being drowned, and the young man stayed with him here, and worked for him with all his heart till the drink drove him away, for he was a teetotaller, as he used to say of himself, to the back-bone." "Well, Mrs Watson," said Graves, "it isn't for me to be contradicting you, but, for my part, I never could abide these teetottallers.

"Well, you may be right," sighed Johnson; "but Jack Barnes says as he's knowed scores of teetottallers that's wasted away to skin and bone for want of the drink; he says beer strengthens the bone, and makes the muscles tight and firm." "Jack Barnes may say what he likes, but I'll just ask you, Thomas, to think and judge for yourself.

If Ned Brierley likes his teetottal ways, and brings up his lads and wenches same fashion, let him please himself; but he mustn't make teetottallers of you nor me." "And why shouldn't he make a teetottaller of me?" cried Thomas, his anger rising at his wife's opposition. "What has the drink done for us, I'd like to know?