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Juniper replied to this by opening his eyes very wide, and giving utterance to a prolonged whistle. "Teetottaller!" at last he exclaimed; "and pray how long has he taken to this new fashion?" "Not many weeks," was the reply. "And how many weeks do you think he'll stick to it?"

"Jacob, I will I will!" cried his master, deeply touched. "Every word you say is true. I'm a miserable, worthless wretch. I don't deserve the love and devotion of a noble lad like you." "Nay, mayster don't say so," cried Jacob; "but oh, if you'd only sign the pledge, and be an out-and-out gradely teetottaller, it'd be the happiest day of my life." "Well, Jacob, I'll see about the signing.

The light'll dazzle him so as he'll not be able to make any on us out; and then we must slip out of the window and be off afore he's had time to wriggle himself out of the ropes. Eh, won't he be a lovely pictur next day! his best friends, as they say, won't know him. Won't he just look purty at the meeting! There's a model teetottaller for you!

If Ned Brierley likes his teetottal ways, and brings up his lads and wenches same fashion, let him please himself; but he mustn't make teetottallers of you nor me." "And why shouldn't he make a teetottaller of me?" cried Thomas, his anger rising at his wife's opposition. "What has the drink done for us, I'd like to know?

He started up again, and with a deep sigh turned to the door. "Where are you going?" cried his wife; "you mustn't go without your tea; yon chaps at the `George' don't want you." "I'm not going to the `George," replied Thomas; "I just want a word with Ned Brierley." "Ned Brierley!" exclaimed Alice; "why, he's the bigoted'st teetottaller in the whole village. You're not going to sign the pledge?"