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"Tchuh!" said Mr. Tulliver. "It takes a big loaf when there's many to breakfast. What signifies your sisters' bits o' money when they've got half-a-dozen nevvies and nieces to divide it among? And your sister Deane won't get 'em to leave all to one, I reckon, and make the country cry shame on 'em when they are dead?" "I don't know what she won't get 'em to do," said Mrs.

"When I've got a pot o' good ale, I like to swaller it, and do my inside good, i'stead o' smelling and staring at it to see if I can't find faut wi' the brewing. I should like you to pick me out a finer-limbed young fellow nor Master Godfrey one as 'ud knock you down easier, or 's more pleasanter-looksed when he's piert and merry." "Tchuh!" said Mr.

'They say his father was a Dissenting shoemaker; and he's half a Dissenter himself. Why, doesn't he preach extempore in that cottage up here, of a Sunday evening? 'Tchuh! this was Mr. Hackit's favourite interjection 'that preaching without book's no good, only when a man has a gift, and has the Bible at his fingers' ends.

Only you'd been into my house oftener than anybody else, and so you came into my head. I don't accuse you I won't accuse anybody only," he added, lifting up his hands to his head, and turning away with bewildered misery, "I try I try to think where my guineas can be." "Aye, aye, they're gone where it's hot enough to melt 'em, I doubt," said Mr. Macey. "Tchuh!" said the farrier.