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Thus shalt thou most surely send all thy treasure before thee by the hands of the needy, for whatsoever thou shalt do unto these the Master counteth done unto himself, and will reward thee manifold; for, in the recompense of benefits, he ever surpasseth them that love him.

Verily, if we must wear our sorrow upon our sleeve, why not return to the sackcloth and ashes, as the most consistent demonstration of that grief which, hidden in the heart, surpasseth show. But, then, sackcloth is a most unmanageable material.

And this peace of God, which surpasseth all understanding, develops in souls truly spiritual a habit of mind and a character of life that even here below partake of the stability and calm sense of victory which, in their perfection, belong only to the state of the blessed in Heaven.

"Thy honest nature, Carlo, revolts at the cold villany of the assassin. I have heard much of his murders, and of the manner in which those up above bear with him. They say, in common, that his art surpasseth theirs, and that the officers wait for proof, that they may not do injustice." "Is the Senate so tender, think you?" asked the Bravo, huskily, but motioning for his companion to proceed.

How say you?” returned Vathek; “but it matters not! tell me, if you can, what they mean.” “It is this, my lord,” rejoined the old man: “Woe to the rash mortal who seeks to know that of which he should remain ignorant, and to undertake that which surpasseth his power!” “And woe to thee!” cried the Caliph, in a burst of indignation; “to-day thou art void of understanding.

But it surpasseth even all these things, that Thou Thyself didst vouchsafe to minister unto man, and didst promise that Thou wouldest give Thyself unto him. What shall I render unto Thee for all these Thy manifold mercies? Oh that I were able to serve Thee all the days of my life! Oh that even for one day I were enabled to do Thee service worthy of Thyself!

"Small and mean was the furniture of the chamber," said Cecil; "and although they attribute this to his love of privacy, yet it is a sign that peace is the mother of all honour and state, as may best be perceived by the court of England, which her Majesty's royal presence doth so adorn, as that it exceedeth this as far as the sun surpasseth in light the other stars of the firmament."

Like the dew that freshens and vivifies the vegetation that has been dried up by the parching sun, the exhilarating breathings of the divine Spirit spread over her soul that peace which surpasseth all understanding.

It is He Who hath made for you the new creation, and brought on the woe that surpasseth all others, and gathered the holy together in the realm on high. Verily in this are signs for those who have eyes to see.

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, Rejoice. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be not anxious about any thing, but in every case by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known unto God. And the peace of God which surpasseth all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.