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He saw that now you grow old you are inclined to be somewhat costive, and every day were fain to have an apothecary, I mean a suppository or clyster, thrust into your royal nockandroe; so he has, much to the purpose, induced you to place here the arms of France; for the very sight of them puts you into such a dreadful fright that you immediately let fly as much as would come from eighteen squattering bonasi of Paeonia.

If the infant does not ordure the first day, then put into its fundament a small suppository, to stir it up to be discharged, that it may not cause painful gripes, by remaining so long in the belly.

Constipation is not uncommon in infancy; it may be overcome by the use of a soap suppository, or by an injection of warm soap-suds into the bowel, or by an injection of oil and water, or by gentle friction over the bowel, following the course of the large intestine.

OVARIAN SEDATIVE: Lupulin, ten grains; ergotin, five grains; scutellarin, ten grains; zinc bromide, two grains. Make twenty pills. Dose: One pill after meals. VAGINISMUS: Strontium bromide, two drams; potassium bromide, two drams; ammonium bromide, two drams; water to make ten ounces. Make a suppository and insert night: Cocaine hydrochlorate, two grains; ext.

Bader has observed grave symptoms following the employment of a vaginal suppository containing three grains of the extract of belladonna. The dermal manifestations, such as urticaria and eruptions resembling the exanthem of scarlatina, are too well known to need mention here.

If the rubber pessary has been properly fitted, and it is not porous, the protection should be complete; but if, by any accident, spermatazoa should get beyond the rubber pessary, they will be destroyed and tangled in the melted suppository provided, of course, that a suitable suppository has been used. It is all a question of getting the right articles to begin with and using them intelligently.

Dose: Add to this mixture one tablespoonful to a quart of warm water and douche vagina in above stated manner. Use also suppository as in Vaginismus. VULVA ITCHING: Apply externally morning and night the following salve: Boric acid, thirty grains; Oxide of zinc, sixty grains. Powdered starch, sixty grains; Petrolatum, one ounce. Apply on cotton and to affected parts.

She should also, before douching with weak disinfecting lotion, wash thoroughly internally and externally with suitable soap and water. This will certainly help to prevent infection in the vagina and elsewhere. The rubber pessary and the suppository will give her a very real measure of protection against the worst of all forms of infection, viz., uterine and ovarian.

To make the soap suppository, take a piece of castile soap about an inch long, give it the shape of a cone not any larger than the end of the little finger, and make it perfectly smooth. This is inserted to about half of its length into the rectum and held there until it causes the bowels to move.

Therefore, the soluble suppository and the rubber pessary should be used in combination. The rubber pessary must in the first instance be fitted by a doctor, because if it does not fit properly it will be ineffective. The seminal fluid may pass by its loose rim and impregnation may result.