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Dinah went out on the back stoop, looked around and came running back to the dining room, where Mrs. Bobbsey was. Dinah's eyes were big with wonder and surprise. "Mrs. Bobbsey! Mrs. Bobbsey!" she cried. "Suffin's done gone an' happened!" "What is it?" asked Mamma Bobbsey, quickly. "Is anyone hurt?"

In great alarm Washington shut off the power and ran to acquaint Professor Henderson with the news. "Suffin's ketched us!" cried the colored man. "Nonsense!" said the inventor, yet he seemed alarmed as he slipped on his clothes and hastened to the conning tower. He peered ahead along the path of water illuminated by the glare of the searchlight, but nothing was to be seen.

Tom, by a great effort, succeeded in maintaining his seat in the saddle, and then, bringing the machine to a stop, he leaped off and turned back. The colored man was sitting up, looking dazed. "Whoa, Boomerang!" he murmured. "Suffin's happened!"

I ain't set down a minute dis' blessed day. My feet'll drop off soon I 'spect." "Will they, really, Dinah?" asked Freddie. "And can we watch 'em fall?" "Bress yo' hearts, honeys!" exclaimed the colored cook, "I didn't mean it jest dat way. But suffin's suah gwine t' happen I feels it in mah bones!" And something was to happen, though not exactly what Dinah expected.

"Get out of the way! I can't stop! Let me pass you!" The darky looked up. He saw the approaching machine, and he seemed to lose possession of his senses. "Whoa, Boomerang!" cried the negro. "Whoa! Suffin's gwine t' happen!" "That's what!" muttered Tom desperately, as he saw that there was not room for him to pass without going into the ditch, a proceeding that would mean an upset.

My feet'll drop off soon I 'specs." "Will they, really, Dinah?" asked Freddie. "And can we watch 'em fall?" "Bress yo' hearts, honeys!" exclaimed the colored cook, "I didn't mean it jest dat way. But suffin's suah gwine t' happen I feels it in mah bones!" And something was to happen, though not exactly what Dinah expected. Finally all was in readiness for the guests.

"Ice cream's coming!" and he waved his spoon above his head. "Freddie Freddie!" said his mother, in gentle reproof. Dinah went out on the back stoop, looked around and came running back to the dining room, where Mrs. Bobbsey was. Dinah's eyes were big with wonder and surprise. "Mrs. Bobbsey! Mrs. Bobbsey!" she cried. "Suffin's done gone an' happened!" "What is it?" asked Mamma Bobbsey, quickly.

Bert and Nan were wondering if Bob Guess or the red-faced man knew anything of their father's coat and the missing lap robe when from the kitchen Dinah's voice excitedly called: "Come heah! Come heah if yo' please, Mr. Bobbsey! Suffin's done gone an' happened!" "Oh, dear!" cried Mrs. Bobbsey. "What's the matter now?"

"Suffin's always happenin' in dish yeah fambily." It was not a very serious happening this time. Mr. Bobbsey hurried down to his lumber yard in the darkness of the June evening. He was gone about an hour, when the telephone rang. On account of the little excitement Flossie and Freddie had been allowed to stay up, although it was long past their usual bedtime. "I'll answer it," said Mrs.