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Come on in; Oi'll give ye number forty-two, thet's next behint me own room, an' we'll go up the back sthairs. Hilp the young loidy, Jack, fer shure ye know the way." She disappeared, evidently with some hospitable purpose in view, and Keith, clasping the girl's hand, undertook the delicate task of safely escorting her through the dark kitchen, and up the dimly remembered stairs.

"A ferryboat!" shrieked Grace. "Oh, Hans!" "I mean von of dem double-decker ferrypoats vot runs from New York to Chersey City dem kind vot has got blate-glass vinders und looking-glasses der sthairs on," explained the German cadet. "Da vos peauties, too." "If we don't enjoy this trip it will be our fault," said Fred.

"Pwhat the divvle ails ye?" "Rayspicts to ye, ma'am, and 'tis sorry I am I didn't know 'twas a leddy." "He's not." "Wan o'clock, there or thereabouts." "Faith and he didn't say." "Pwhat name will I be tellin' him?" "Kape ut to yersilf, thin. 'Tis none of me business." "If ye do, I'll not answer. Sure, am I to be climbin' two flights av sthairs iv'ry foive minits "

"Sometimes," said Barney. "I t'ought ye meant a conflagrashun, sorr. The shmoke I shmelt was segyars." "Ah," I observed. "I am glad you are coming to the point. Go on. There is a difference." "There is thot," said Barney, pleasantly, he was getting along so swimmingly. "This shmoke, as I say, was segyar shmoke, so I gropes me way cautious loike up the back sthairs and listens by the library dure.