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But if there are any who dare dispute your divine right, then, with our dear Stürmer, take at once drastic steps to crush them. "We cannot afford to allow evil tongues to speak of us; neither can we afford the vulgar scandal that some would seek to create.

They were forced to come, those jolly, uproarious boys, after the affected cue period; they were the full, luxurious plants, and my Wolfgang, the favorite of my heart, my poet and teacher, is the divine blossom of this plant. Let them prevail, these 'Sturmer und Dranger, for they are the fathers and brothers of my Wolfgang.

The capital teemed with Germans like Stürmer and Fredericks, traitors like Protopopoff and Soukhomlinoff, men like Azeff, Guerassimoff and Kurtz one day the bosom friend of Ministers and powerful noblemen, and the next cast into the fortress of Peter and Paul Rogogin, the sycophant Raeff whom Rasputin had made Procurator of the Holy Synod and the drunken "saint" Mitia the Blessed at last dismissed spiritualists, charlatans, and cranks.

It is claimed by some that they had planned to wait until the following winter in order to get their army into the best of condition and training, but that the treacherous prime minister of Russia, Sturmer, when he found that they were determined to make war on Germany and Austria, persuaded them to plunge in at once, knowing that they were unprepared and that their inexperienced troops would be no match for the veterans of the central powers.

I was unable to tell the truth lest I should betray the plot of Boris Stürmer and General Kouropatkine. I recollected my friendship with the hotel clerk, and my eagerness for the arrival of the travellers. "Ah!

One afternoon, after I had been nearly a month in Rasputin's service, Boris Stürmer, a well-known Court sycophant, with bristling hair and a sweeping goatee beard, was brought to the monk by Kouropatkine. Both were in uniform, and after ushering them into Rasputin's study I felt that some dark conspiracy was on foot.

The British Press was growing dubious as to our determination in winning the war, hence Stürmer's assurance to bamboozle the world was highly necessary." "That relieves us of much anxiety," remarked Bethmann-Hollweg, chewing the end of his cigar. "We were beginning to fear that Stürmer might be leaning towards England." Rasputin made a gesture in the negative.

In accordance with the plan formed by Boris Stürmer I next day accompanied the Starets by rail direct to Nijni Novgorod, by way of Moscow, thence taking steamer down the great Volga, a twelve-hour journey, to that city where they make bells and ikons, Kazan. Rasputin had put on his oldest and most ragged monk's habit, and carried a staff.

We were breakfasting with Madame Vyrubova's sister at her house just off the Nevski. With us was Boris Stürmer and two minor officials of the Court, and we were awaiting the coming of the Tsaritza's favourite lady in waiting. At last she arrived from Tsarskoe-Selo bearing a parcel for Grichka, which she gave him merrily, saying: "The Empress has made this for you with her own hands.

With Stürmer behind him to advise and to plot, aided by an obscure civil servant named Protopopoff who afterwards became Minister of the Interior and a spy of Germany the "saint" never held himself cheap. That was one of the secrets of his astounding career.