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And next, that its Superficial parts be so Situated, that they Retain not the Incident Rays of Light by Reflecting them Inwards, but Send them almost all Back, so that the Outermost Corpuscles of a White Body, having their Various Little Surfaces of a Specular Nature, a Man can from no place Behold the Body, but that there will be among those Innumerable Superficieculæ, that Look some one way, and some another, enough of them Obverted to his Eye, to afford like a broken Looking-glass, a confused Idæa, or Representation of Light, and make such an Impression on the Organ, as that for which Men are wont to call a Body White.

These and the like Examples, Pyrophilus, have induc'd me to Suspect, that the Superficial Particles of White bodies, may for the Most part be as well Convex as Smooth; I content my self to say Suspect and for the most part, because it seems not Easie to prove, that when Diaphanous bodies, as we shall see by and by, are reduc'd into White Powders, each Corpuscle must needs be of a Convex Superficies, since perhaps it may Suffice that Specular Surfaces look severally ways.

The separation of the slag and iron is facilitated by throwing in some lime from time to time. Spiegel, or specular iron, is then added; about 1 per cent. more than in the scrap process.

The trachyte is generally of a pale brown colour, stained with small darker patches; it contains broken and bent crystals of glassy feldspar, grains of specular iron, and black microscopical points, which latter, from being easily fused, and then becoming magnetic, I presume are hornblende.

But that as White Bodies reflect the most Light of any, so there Superficial Particles are, in the Sense newly Deliver'd, of a Specular Nature, I shall now further endeavour to shew both by the making of Specular bodies White, and the making of a White body Specular.

MICA SCHIST. Pink marble dolomite, on hills of mica schist, of various colours, with trap, schorl in gneiss, kyanite or disthene gneissose mica in the schist. 1500 ft. COAL IN SANDSTONE. Specular and magnetic iron on various igneous rocks; finely laminated porphyry; granite; hot fountain.

Vincent nevertheless asserted, that lavas including fragments of granite have been found on the elevated plain of Retama; and M. Broussonnet informed me, that on a hill above Guimar, fragments of mica-slate, containing beautiful plates of specular iron, had been found.

Besides, the Sun-beams trajected through a Triangular Glass, after the manner lately mention'd, will, upon the Body that Terminates them, Paint a Rain-bow, that may be seen whether the Eye be plac'd on the Right Hand of it or the Left, or Above or Beneath it, or Before or Behind it; and though there may appear some Little Variation in the Colours of the Rain-bow, beheld from Differing parts of the Room, yet such a Diversity may be also observ'd by an Attentive Eye in Real Colours, look'd upon under the like Circumstances, Nor will it follow, that because there remains no Footsteps of the Colour upon the Object, when the Prism is Remov'd, that therefore the Colour was not Real, since the Light was truly Modify'd by the Refraction and Reflection it Suffer'd in its Trajection through the Prism; and the Object in our case serv'd for a Specular Body, to Reflect that Colour to the Eye.

And as you know that Mercury is a Specular Body, so each of these Little drops was a small round Looking-glass, and a Multitude of them lying Thick and Near one another, they did both in my Judgment, and that of those I Invited to see it, make the Glass they were fastened to, appear manifestly a White Body.

The material of which the Puy de Dôme is formed consists of a light grey, nearly white, soft felsitic lava, containing crystals of mica, hornblende, and specular iron-ore. It is highly vesicular, and was probably extruded in a pasty condition from a throat piercing the granitic plateau and the overlying sheet of ancient lava of Mont Dore.