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It was two years now since a certain consumptive-looking young man had caused the upheaval of a private enterprise back of The Hollow and made so much unpleasantness, but Norman Teale had served his term in prison and had got on his feet once more, and Greeley had a momentary touch of sympathy for the Speak-Easy magnates as he glanced up at this new style of spy.

"After we had consumed all the champagne wine they had in the snare, I tipped them off to a speak-easy, and we decided to ride down there in the machine, and then go for a little tour, as it were. By this time it had been noised through the city that some one had taken the bottle out of the show window, and a large crowd had assembled to see the plutocrats come forth.

As a matter of fact, he had been invited to join a few cronies at dinner in a grimy Italian boarding- house. They gave it a little interest by calling it a "speak-easy," because the proprietor sold liquor without a license. Gilfoyle's cronies did not know of his marriage and he was sure that Kedzie would not fit.

He does not obligate himself to question his buyers. He may ask Big Bill a trifle more than anyone else, but that is no infringement of the law. I think there was no doubt in anyone's mind who was the instigator of this 'speak-easy' business at Italee; but he was shrewd enough to keep within the letter of the law. We could not touch him, and he knew it." "The whole business is nefarious!

Her bein' a woman and trustin'-like, mebbe, is what makes it easy to deceive her." "Oh, they do deceive her, then?" "Yes'm. There hain't no drinkin' places open public-like. A stranger couldn't go in there and buy a glass of anything; but them what's known can get pretty much what they want." "Someone keeps a speak-easy?" "Yes'm. Big Bill Kyler gets it every week, and the men get what they want."