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While the propaganda went forward in Italy with increasing energy, additional assurances, I was informed by one of the Italian group, were given to Signor Orlando and Baron Sonnino that President Wilson was almost on the point of conceding the justice of the Italian claim to Fiume.

At length, he returns to Rome, and for ten years continues to reign over a timid old man and an enslaved people, opposing a passive resistance to all the counsels of diplomacy and all the demands of Europe. Clinging tenaciously to power, reckless as to the future, misusing present opportunities, and day by day increasing his fortune after the manner of Sonnino.

For, naturally enough, Baron Sonnino, whose domestic critics are many and ruthless, was desirous of getting all he could in the Eastern Mediterranean and Asia Minor, while measuring out with patriotic closeness the military and naval help to be given in return Italy's position, economic, financial and strategic, differing considerably from that of the other Great Powers.

Next the Japanese, but facing Clemenceau and about twelve feet from him, were the Italians: Sonnino with his close-cropped white bullet head and heavy drooping mustache, his great Roman nose coming down to meet an equally strong out-jutting chin, his jaw set like a steel latch.

It has been said, I do not know with what truth, that Prince von Buelow had informed the ex-Premier of Austria's ultimate concessions even before they were presented to Salandra and Sonnino, and consequently that Giolitti was precisely aware of the situation when he reached Rome.

Instead of Clarie Archman and J. Barca, alias Gentleman Laroque, robbing the safe of one Niccolo Sonnino, dealer in precious stones, it would be the Gray Seal if it was not already too late to forestall the others! If it was not too late! He looked at his watch. It was twenty minutes after eleven. Yes, there should be time; but, if not what then? And what of that letter? His teeth clamped.

I said to him in so many words that Sonnino was as necessary to the restoration of the credit of the financial situation as he himself was to that of order.

Venizelos had also made overtures to Baron Sonnino for an understanding, but they elicited no response, and Italy's relations with Greece lost whatever cordiality they might have had. Between France and Italy the threads of friendship which companionship in arms should have done much to strengthen were strained to the point of snapping.

Non disperate; lasciate che Wilson rinsavisca! Fiume sara italiana! "E' fra un delirio di acclamazioni conclude gridando. "Viva Italia! Viva Fiume! Viva Orlando! Viva Sonnino! Viva l'America! "Viva l'America risponde la folla in una esplosione di riconoscente entusiasmo. "Altri discorsi

But Italy was far from satisfied, and six days later, in response to an invitation for counterproposals, Baron Sonnino drafted the following demands: I. The Trentino, with the boundaries fixed for the Kingdom of Italy in 1811. II. A new eastern frontier, to include Gradisca and Gorizia.