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Then Fred Luke came along and said, 'I will take care of him. So we walked a little ways and he said, 'You better go to the doctor and have that dressed. I said to him, 'Oh, I guess it ain't so bad, and so he said, 'Come along with me and we will wash up at the jail. I said, 'All right, and while I was going up the steps to the jail, why a policeman by the name of Bryan or something like that, a little short fellow, well anyhow he got canned off the force for being drunk, that is how I heard of him, when I was kind of slow walking along because I was bleeding pretty bad, he said, 'Hurry up and get in there, you low-down, dirty son-of-a-b And I answered, 'I guess I ain't arrested, I don't have to hurry in there. So he cursed some more.

"I shut the engine down and went out to the stern door and just as I stepped out there was a shot went right by my head and at the same time McRae hollered out and says 'You son-of-a-b , you come over here! Says I, "If you want me, you come over here." With that they brought their boat and my boat up together. Six shots in all were fired.

"Fellow Worker Love and I he came off the machine with me in Great Falls we were first in line and Sheriff McRae and two other men with white handkerchiefs around their necks came forward first and he says, 'You son-of-a-b , I thought you were going to Seattle? I says, 'Ain't I going to Seattle? I can't go till the train goes, I says, 'you've had me walking now till I have no foot under me.

A man was there waiting to get his blankets to go to work and Berg volunteered to get them for him. He then went to the county jail and asked for McRae. When McRae came in and learned that Berg wanted to see the secretary in order to get the keys to the hall, he yelled out: "You are another I. W. W. Throw him in jail, the old son-of-a-b !"

Each day he jumbled all the mixable portions of the food together, and, in a big tin wash-boiler which he had rescued from "the dump" outside of town, he stewed up quite a palatable mess which we called "slum" or "slumgullion," or, more profanely, "son-of-a-b ." For plates we used old tomato cans hammered out flat ... for knives and forks, our fingers, pocket-knives, and chips of wood.