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Even at this early time they had developed what the other Socialists had sought to avoid, a "leader" in the person of Mr. Victor Berger. At first editor of the local German Socialist organ, the Vorwaerts, then of the Social-Democratic Herald, acknowledged leader at the time of the municipal victory in the spring of 1910, and now the American Party's first member of Congress, Mr.

In the December number of the ninth year of the Sozialistische Monatshefte, a social-democratic writer, Curt Grottewitz, undertakes to bring out an article on "Darwinian Myths." It is stated there that Darwin had a few eminent followers, but that the educated world took no notice of their work; that now, however, they seemed to be attracting more attention.

All the elements that had prepared or determined the revolution dynastic opposition, republican bourgeoisie, democratic-republican small traders' class, social-democratic labor element-all found "provisionally" their place in the February government. It could not be otherwise.

The speech closed with a verse from Kleist's "Prince von Homburg," a favourite monarchist drama of the Emperor's, conveying the idea that good Hohenzollern rule had knocked bad Social-Democratic agitation into a cocked hat.

Frederick Engels, "Socialism, Utopian and Scientific," pp. 71-72. Karl Kautsky's "Erfurter Programm," p. 129. John Martin, in the Atlantic Monthly, September, 1908. Otto Bauer, "Die Nationalitaeten-frage und die Sozial-demokratie," p. 487. Social-Democratic Herald, July 31, 1909. Social-Democratic Herald, Vol. XII, No. 5. Professor Werner Sombert, "Socialism and the Socialist Movement," p. 59.

The Marxists wandered for years in this void, striving, with fanatical superstition, to suppress the Revisionists who, facing the fact that the Social-Democratic party was lost, were trying to find the path by the light of contemporary history instead of vainly consulting the oracle in the pages of Das Kapital.

Undoubtedly they would say that our Social-Democratic professions are all very fine, but that our conversion to them is suspiciously sudden and recent.

La Follette was governor and before Socialism had any apparent power in that State, suggests that the influence of the latter has been entirely secondary. The Social-Democratic Herald complains significantly, at a later date, of "the cowardly and hypocritical Socialistic platforms of the two older parties," while Mr.

Even the briefest summary of the provisions of the anti-socialist law will illustrate how determined the reactionaries were to annihilate utterly the socialist movement. The chief measures were as follows: I. Prohibitory The formation or existence of organizations which sought by social-democratic, socialistic, or communistic movements to subvert the present State and social order was prohibited.

Karl Liebknecht remarks that "it is already recognized that every Social-Democrat educates his children to be Social-Democrats." But he says that this is not sufficient. Social-Democratic parents do their best, but the Socialist public must aid them to do better. In other words, the greatest hope for Socialism, in its campaign against militarism as in all else it undertakes, lies in education.