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"If it fits?" echoed her companion. "Yes. S'posing Mr. Swift was slower'n molasses in January and Mr. Smart was stupid as a stump, they would be as big misfits as I am, wouldn't they? Now if grandpa could just have known the kind of a girl I was going to be, I bet he never would have named me Peace. Faith says it would have been more 'propriate if he had called me Pieces.

There is a feller in Bisbee. She's after lovin' ye, but you're too slow slower'n the molasses I just poured on yer griddle-cakes fer ye!" "I'll try," said the accommodating "Red." "You're a good friend, Mrs. Quinn. I won't forget you when I own this place!" "Be off, now! Ye've got some travelin' to do before ye're able to win Angela. Then ye can think of buyin' a ranch."

Git dap, Dan'l! you're slower'n the moral law." "So you're goin' to do your own cookin' for a spell, Cy?" observed Asaph, a half hour later, "Well, I guess that's a good idea, till you can find the right housekeeper. I ain't been able to think of one that would suit you yet." "Nor I, either.

But somethin' tells me thet, shaky as I am in my boots, I'd liefer be in mine than yours." With that, and expelling a heavy breath, he wrestled around to confront the hunter. "Wade. I've no hunch to your game, but it's slower'n I recollect you." "Why, Cap, I was in a talkin' humor," replied Wade. "Hell! You're up to some dodge. What'd you care fer my learnin' thet pup had double-crossed me?