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"Is that the rain drops which are falling heavily on the floor through the open window?" Oh God! Oh God! it is her warm heart's blood, which was bubbling from her mouth like a crimson fountain. Her pale fingers were clasped on her bosom in the attitude of prayer a gentle quiver of her frame and the poor broken hearted girl, and her unborn babe, "sleeped the sleep that knows no waking."

When I'se littl' I sleeped in a trun'l bed. My mammy wuz mighty 'ticlar an' clean, why she made us chilluns wash ouah feets ebry night fo' we git into de bed." "When Marse Hunt muved up to Charl'stun, my mammy and pappy liv' in log cabin." "My gran' mammy, duz I 'member hur? Honey chile, I shure duz. She wuz my pappy's mammy. She wuz one hun'erd and fo' yeahs ol' when she die rite in hur cheer.

It was partitioned into two by a screen; in one portion was a rough camp bedstead, and in the other two dear little child's beds, that must once have been Derek's and Sheila's, and one still smaller, made out of a large packing-case. The eldest of the little children said: "That's where Billy sleeps, Susie sleeps here, and I sleeps there; and our father sleeped in here before he went to prison."

Agnes Milligan was an orphan, brought up at Dalgarno a sister's son o' the auld Dalgarno, and a fu' cousin, ye ken, o' the young farmer. They had baith fed frae the same plate; sleeped under the same roof; played at the same sports; and dabbled in the same river the bloody, bloody Nith! from infancy to youth.

It ain't right to part the two littlest ones. And they told me if I'd sit still and stop crying they would bring me back with them by and by, and that I should come to you. And I minded. "Then they taked us to that house where we sleeped under the carpet the night we didn't get to the Fort. Don't you remember?

Impressed with the awe which the humblest sleeped usually sheds around him, the merchant trod as lightly as the gout would allow; and his spouse took good heed not to rustle her silk gown, lest David should start up all of a sudden. "How soundly he sleeps!" whispered the old gentleman. "From what a depth he draws that easy breath!