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In pursuance of its territorial policy being the line of action it first resolved upon the first movement of the South was to annex Texas a victory. By a curious irony the filching of land for slavery's uses from a neighbor, and on which the foot of a slave had never pressed, was exultingly spoken of at the time by its supporters as "an extension of the area of freedom."

Had there been nothing further to consider, the invasion of the Senate by Big Business in the 'fifties might not have taken place. But there was something else. Slavery's system of agriculture was excessively wasteful. To be highly profitable it required virgin soil, and the financial alliance demanded high profits.

Dosu Golan, the plantation manager, tapped impatiently on his polished boot leg with a thin riding whip. "I don't like this," he said, in another and entirely different language. "I know, chattel slavery's an established custom on this sector, and we have to conform to local usages, but it sickens me to have to haggle with these swine over the price of human beings.

Many people then believed that slavery would by degrees die out of the land, and perhaps this would have happened if the growing of cotton had not been made profitable by Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton-gin. After that invention came into use, instead of slavery's dying out, it took a much stronger hold upon the planters of the South than it had ever done before.

The Paratime Police impounded the slaves for narco-hypnotic interrogation, and then transposed the lot of them to Police Terminal." Yandar Yadd still held his affectation of sleepy indolence. "Now why would the Paracops do that, I wonder? Slavery's an established local practice on Esaron Sector; our people have to buy slaves if they want to run a plantation." "I know that." Sphabron Larv replied.

As we looked at the monument we thought of this poem which, in its majestic sweep of thought, is as stately as the Potomac: John Brown of Ossawatomie spoke on his dying day: "I will not have to shrive my soul a priest in Slavery's pay, But let some poor slave-mother whom I have striven to free, With her children, from the gallows stair put up a prayer for me."

In a surprisingly short time after the question of Missouri's status in reference to the Union was decided, the issue between Pro-Slaveryism and Anti-Slaveryism came up. Political parties ranged themselves upon it. Those who favored slavery's immediate or speedy abolishment became known as Radicals, while those advocating its prolongation were called Conservatives.

The difficulties are enough to turn a man's hair grey, but, said he, 'slavery's knell has struck, and we'll put an end to it in Virginia peacefully and with some approach to wisdom if only they'll stop stirring the gunpowder!" The miller raised his large head, with its effect of white powder from the mill, and regarded the landscape.

"Shall every flap of England's flag Proclaim that all around are free, From 'farthest Ind' to each blue crag That beetles o'er the Western Sea? And shall we scoff at Europe's kings, When Freedom's fire is dim with us, And round our country's altar clings The damning shade of Slavery's curse?"

Helm think when bringing his slaves to New York that in a few short years, they would be singing the song of deliverance from Slavery's thralldom; and as little thought he of the great and painful change, to be brought about in his own circumstances.