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Seven marks and a half for a night's lodging and two meals!" "You forget the skydskarl and the horse," remarked Hulda. "Nevertheless, I think your charge very high. I really don't see how you can expect to prosper if you are so exorbitant in your charges." "You owe me nothing, sir," said Dame Hansen, in a voice that trembled so that it was scarcely audible.

His attention seemed to be chiefly bestowed upon the silver a luxury highly prized among Norwegian peasants, where the few forks and spoons which are handed down from father to son are carefully preserved with the family jewels. Meanwhile the skydskarl busied himself with his preparations for departure; and by eleven o'clock the horse and kariol were standing before the door of the inn.

The skydskarl had taken refuge in the barn, where he was already sound asleep in company with the sorrel horse. Dame Hansen and her daughter rose with the sun the next morning, but no sound came from the room of their guest, who was probably still sleeping.

She had just opened the register and read the name inscribed upon it, and now taking the bill and tearing it up, she repeated: "You owe me nothing." "That is exactly my opinion," replied the stranger. And without bidding them good-bye on his departure any more than he had bidden them good-day on his arrival, he climbed into his kariol, and the skydskarl jumped upon the board behind him.

The whole vehicle strongly reminds one of an enormous spider between two huge cobwebs represented by the wheels of the vehicle. At a sign from the traveler the skydskarl sprung to the horse's head, and the stranger rose, straightened himself out, and finally alighted, though not without some difficulty, judging from two or three muttered curses.

Two long shafts, between which trots a horse wearing a square wooden collar, painted yellow and striped with black, and guided with a simple rope passed, not through his mouth, but around his nose, two large, slender wheels, whose springless axle supports a small gay-colored, shell-shaped wagon-body, scarcely large enough to hold one person no covering, no dash-board, no step but behind, a board upon which the skydskarl perches himself.