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But by each other every word was clearly heard. "That last outburst of Sitsumi's explains a lot of the reported activity in the Lake Baikal region, beyond the Gobi," swiftly dropped from Jeter's lips. "The materials which Sitsumi uses in the preparation of his light-ray-bending substance are found near there somehow.

We should have thought to destroy all dangerous air ports. A fatal oversight!" Sitsumi's eyes were grave. He looked at each of the Three in turn. "God!" said Jeter's whispering lips. "If we could read their minds! If only we could guess what it is they fear, we'd have the secret by which we might destroy them." "They're vulnerable," said Eyer, "but how?" "Watch!" said Jeter. "Listen!

"You will have twenty-four hours in which to decide whether to join us," was Sitsumi's ultimatum. "We would not allow you five minutes were it not that our cause would be benefited by the addition of your scientific knowledge." Sitsumi did not repeat the alternative. Remembering Kress, Jeter and Eyer did not need to ask him. There was but one alternative death a particularly horrible one.

Jeter and Eyer could imagine the minions of Sitsumi and the Three, below the floor of the white globe, standing-to on platforms about the unseen engines which gave life and movability to this ship of the stratosphere. How many there were of them there was no way of knowing. They had guessed two hundred. There might have been a thousand. It scarcely mattered. Sitsumi's face was set in a firm mask.

Something suggestive of a sneer creased Sitsumi's lips. The Three did not change expression in the least. "People do not listen to reason. They listen to force. We will use force to make them listen, in the end, to reason backed in turn by force, if you like.

"I deeply deplore your inclination to levity, Tema Eyer," said the man in the doorway. "It is not seemly in one whose intelligence entitles him to a place in our counsels." Eyer looked at Jeter. What was the meaning of Sitsumi's cryptic utterance? "Bring them in," snapped Sitsumi. Jeter studied the man with interest.

"What," said Jeter calmly "is Sitsumi's hurry? Why is he scared?" "Scared?" Naka seemed on the point of hitting Jeter for the blasphemy. "Scared? He fears nothing. We'll down your friends long before their motors " Sitsumi suddenly turned and looked at Naka. The look in Sitsumi's eyes was murderous, Naka went dead white.