United States or South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

That judgment was near, it was imminent; and but for the many instances in which the life of the rich, the great, and the powerful was redeemed by the highest virtue, this pitiful farce of a national existence would have been played out already; but for the good men still found in Sodom, the city of abominations must long since have been destroyed.

'Well yes since you wish it so much, Margaret replied, feeling that she risked nothing. 'Here it is, then, he said, to her amazement, producing the new novel from the pocket of his overcoat, and enjoying her surprise as he put it into her hand.

The new attitude of the knighthood, their social connexion as landed gentry with the baronage, their political union with the burgesses, really welded the three orders into one, and gave that unity of feeling and action to our Parliament on which its power has ever since mainly depended.

His heart went out to her as never before since Ida came into his life. The gloom and reticence of those dark-green forests had wrought him into the reticent, serious man he was. He was not gloomy naturally, he was strong and hopeful, but this was one of those moments which appall a man, even a young man or more properly, especially a young man.

Through Drachart he told the Esquimaux, that they should go no more to the English settlements in the south, nor rob and murder. They answered, We have never either robbed or murdered, since the time we heard of the Saviour.

Merwyn offered his services on the force, stipulating, however, that he might be in a measure his own master, since he had other duties to perform, at the same time promising to do his share of the fighting. Mr. Vosburgh drew Acton to one side, and made a few whispered explanations.

It was her first public appearance since the scene at the mill, and it was something of an ordeal. Her face showed what she was going through. She was elaborately self-conscious; defiance struggled with a secret shame. In her heart she knew she was wrong, yet she thirsted for justification. "What is the situation?" she asked haughtily. Strange told her briefly. His air was admirable.

One evening, leaning over the taffrail, I observed a very singular, isolated cloud, to the N.W. It was remarkable, as well for its color, as from its being the first we had seen since our departure from Batavia.

Here she stopped before a great rudely egg-shaped boulder five or six feet through that lay in a shallow depression in the ground. "Our water bottle," said Betty. He supposed that she referred to the depression in the rock floor, since the boulder did not fit in it so exactly as to preclude the possibility of the big rude basin holding water.