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Some day a snowstorm will get under the runners and the balance of the descent will be but a single shish. Meanwhile we may note the passage by certain landmarks.

But there being so few of us that could dance, and my wife not being very well, we had not much pleasure in the dancing: there was Knepp also, by which with much pleasure we did sing a little, and so, about ten o'clock, I took coach with my wife and Deb., and so home, and there to bed. 24th. Up pretty betimes, and so there comes to me Mr. Shish, to desire my appearing for him to succeed Mr.

"What's the matter?" "Shish!" whispered Little White Bear. "I saw something!" "On the ice?" asked Little Black Bear, beginning to be frightened. "Right out there a little bit farther," whispered Little White Bear. "And it was the biggest thing! Oh! My! I can't tell how big it was!" Then Little Black Bear was frightened! What could it be, way out here on the ice, miles and miles from shore?

And then the dear old darling's own daughter, who has almost never seen her, thinks her mad!... No, papa dear, don't shish me down, because cry I must! Let me have a good cry over it, and I shall be better. Sit down by me, and don't let go there! here on the sofa, like that.... Oh dear, I wish I was made of wood, like some people, and could say better late than never!"

The left hand of the writer rose and waggled itself irritably above her left shoulder. "Aunt Lora," spoke Bailey sternly. "Shish!" said the authoress. Only that and nothing more. Bailey, outraged, relapsed into silence. The pen squeaked on. After what seemed to Bailey a considerable time, the writing ceased. It was succeeded by the sound of paper vigorously blotted.

Christopher Pett, lately dead, in his place of Master-Shipwright of Deptford and Woolwich, which I do resolve to promote what I can. So by and by to White Hall, and there to the Duke of York's chamber, where I understand it is already resolved by the King and Duke of York that Shish shall have the place.

brought my Lord this morning, to shoot off often, one after another, without trouble or danger, very pretty. Thence to the Temple, and there taking White's boat down to Woolwich, taking Mr. Shish at Deptford in my way, with whom I had some good discourse of the Navy business. At Woolwich discoursed with him and Mr.