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She flashed across the quadrangle and vanished through one of the archways, even as the distant voice of a Mueddin broke plaintively upon the brooding stillness reciting the Shehad "La illaha, illa Allah! Wa Muhammad er Rasool Allah!" A slave spread a carpet, a second held a great silver bowl, into which a third poured water.

Shehad hoped great things from the opportunity to rest, to travel, to look about her, above all, in various artful feminine ways, to be "nice" to the companions of her less privileged state; but such widenings of scope left her, as it were, but the more conscious of the empty margin of personal life beyond them.

Marzak lingered with his father after Oliver had taken his leave, and presently they were joined there in the courtyard by Fenzileh this woman who had brought, said many, the Frankish ways of Shaitan into Algiers. Early on the morrow so early that scarce had the Shehad been recited came Biskaine-el-Borak to the Basha.

She required no extraneous aid in deciphering the mystery: her three years' experience of Deering shed on it all the light she needed. And yet a moment before shehad believed herself to be perfectly happy! Now it was the worstpart of her anguish that it did not really surprise her. She knew so well how it must have happened.

It was odd that he should not have told her. The fact that she thought it odd suddenly showed her how closely their lives were interwoven. Shehad become a habit to him, and he was fond of his habits. But toher it was as if a stranger had opened the gate and gone out. She wondered what he would feel if he knew that she felt that.

It was a brief night's rest. The voice of the mueddin, chanting the call to prayer and the Shehad, roused me again, refreshed. The night was passing; even as the sonorous voice of the unseen chanted his inspiring "Allah Akbar," it was yielding place to the moments when "the Wolf-tail sweeps the paling east." I looked out of my little room that opened on to the patio.