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The latter, seated behind the desk, with a big sheepskin-bound volume spread open upon it, was always glad to see his visitor. Their conversations were characteristic. "Hello, John!" the captain would begin. "How are the clients comin'?" "Don't know, Captain. None of them has as yet got near enough so that I could see how he comes." "Humph! I want to know. Mr.

MY DEAR , It is no en the Voyage from St. It is more than probable, my love, that you are acquainted with what is called Grecian and Roman history, chiefly from perusing, in very early youth, the little sheepskin-bound volumes of the ingenious Dr. Goldsmith, and have been indebted for your knowledge of the English annals to a subsequent study of the more voluminous works of Hume and Smollett.

It was Crazy Laura, the contents of her arms now showing in the light of the flames as they licked every window of the upper portion of the house, five heavy, sheepskin-bound books of the ledger type, wrapped tight in a grasp that not even Harry could loosen. "Don't take them from me!" the insane woman screamed. "He tried it, didn't he? And where 's he now up there burning!

She read from Wilhelmina's sheepskin-bound Testament, printed in parallel columns in English and German, the story of the miracle at the Pool of Bethesda, the story of the woman that touched the hem of the garment of Jesus, and of other cures told in the New Testament with a pathos and dignity not to be found in similar modern recitals.