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Next morning two white men, owning that they felt 'awful mean, left Granton, walked down to Riverside House, and at 8 A.M. embarked upon the hapless Effuenta. The stream rapidly narrowed, and its aspect became wilder. Dead trees, anchored by the bole-base, cumbered the bed, and dykes and bars of slate, overlaid by shales of recent date, projected from either side.

The Inferior Oolite of Yorkshire consists largely of shales and sandstones, which assume much the aspect of a true coal-field, thin seams of coal having actually been worked in them for more than a century. They contain also Cycadeae, of which family a magnificent specimen has been described by Mr. Shells of Estheria and Unio, collected by Mr.

'Did you make no inquiries about me? I said. 'Oh yes, said she; 'my grief at the loss of my father was very much increased by my not being able to see you. Mrs. Shales told me that you were ill very ill. And altogether, you may imagine my misery. Day after day I got worse and worse news of you.

Shales, and there he and I discourse till late the business of his helping me in the discovery of some arrears of provisions and stores due to the stores at Portsmouth, out of which I may chance to get some money, and save the King some too, and therefore I shall endeavour to do the fellow some right in other things here to his advantage between Mr. Gauden and him.

After a time this layer of vegetable matter was slowly and gently let down beneath the waters of the sea so slowly that the water flowing over it did not, as a rule, disturb the loose, pasty mass; and then, by the method I have described to you, shales and sandstones were deposited on the top of this mass of dead vegetable matter.

Having passed this, we journeyed on up the cañon, lessened in grandeur, but still presenting pretty bits of scenery. Up to this point, limestone had prevailed, but from here on, we passed over various formations heavy beds of sand or clay, lying upon conglomerates and shales.

Then again we meet with beds of pure and impure coal, alternating with shales and sandstones, and underneath the whole, perhaps, are calcareous strata, or beds of limestone, filled with corals and marine shells, each bed distinguishable from another by certain fossils, or by the abundance of particular species of shells or zoophytes.

Clays and shales often contain concretions of lime carbonate, of iron carbonate, or of iron sulphide. Some fossil, such as a leaf or shell, frequently forms the nucleus around which the concretion grows. Why are building stones more easily worked when "green" than after their quarry water has dried out?

While the coal itself was formed generally from the scalestems and sealstems, the most common fossils found in the shales that lie upon the coal beds are the ferns which covered the surface of the marsh.

It consists of shales and sandstones about 150 feet thick, with coal and traces of plants; including a bed of limestone varying from two to nine feet in thickness, which is cellular, and resembles some lacustrine limestones of France and Germany. It has been traced for 30 miles in a straight line, and can be recognised at still more distant points.