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Rivers, and there wasn't half so much reason why she should be called Nichols as there was why Anna should, for that was her father's name, the one by which he was baptized, the same day with Nancy Scovandyke, who's jest his age, only he was born about a quarter past four in the morning, and she not till some time in the afternoon!" "But where is Mr.

"I am not aware of it, madam," answered Mrs. Graham, and grandma replied, "It looks mighty like it to me, and I've seen a good deal on't, for Nancy Scovandyke has allers had it more or less. Now I think on't," she continued, as if bent on tormenting her companion, "now I think on't, you look quite a considerable like Nancy the same forehead and complexion only she's a head taller.

The handsome black silk and neat lace cap, both the Christmas gift of John Jr., were donned, and then, staff in hand, the old lady started for the dining-room, 'Lena giving her numerous charges not to talk much, and on no account to mention her favorite topic Nancy Scovandyke!

I hain't et there but once this great while, and that was the day General Fontaine's folks were here, and Matilda thought I warn't able to come down." Durward's half-concealed smile showed that he understood it all, while John Jr., in his element when his grandmother was talking, managed, to lead her on, until she reached her favorite theme Nancy Scovandyke.

"Law, now I who knows but you're well acquainted with Nancy Scovandyke's kin." Mrs. Graham turned as red as the cranberry sauce upon her plate, as she replied, "I've not the honor of knowing either Miss Scovandyke or any of her relatives." "Wall, she's a smart, likely gal, or woman I s'pose you'd call her, bein' she's just the age of my son." Here Mrs.

He says they call him 'master, but I'll warrant he'll never catch me a'callin' him so to one on 'em. I promised Nancy Scovandyke that I wouldn't, and I won't!" Here a little popcorn boy came 'round, which reminded Mrs. Nichols of her money, and that she hadn't once looked after it since she started.