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He, curiously enough, had some fifteen minutes before gone in at the same doorway, questioned the same floor-walker, and he found himself in due time walking amongst a bewildering lot of models on the third floor, followed by a giggling saleswoman. "What kind of a dress do you want, sir?" asked the saleslady, for we are impelled to call her so. "S-silk cloth," said Jethro.

It was very simple, and at the most depressed point of the brim nestled one soft, loose-leaved pink rose with a little foliage. Miss Upton's eyes glistened and she drew the saleslady aside. "I've bought it," she said triumphantly when she came back.

It's a gray, with an invisible check, and it looks fine." There, were 3,000 girls in the Biggest Store. Masie was one of them. She was eighteen and a saleslady in the gents' gloves. Here she became versed in two varieties of human beings the kind of gents who buy their gloves in department stores and the kind of women who buy gloves for unfortunate gents.

Mullet, were inclined to criticize, the many, like her husband, united in declaring Mary to be "all right." And her rearranging and displaying of the Christmas goods helped her and her uncles to dispose of them. In fact, for the three days before Christmas it became necessary to call in the services of Annabel as assistant saleslady.

We like as a nation to cherish the illusion that extremes of social condition do not exist even in our large communities, and that the plutocrat and the saleslady, the learned professions and the proletariat associate on a common basis of equal virtue, intelligence, and culture.

"Er-this one is a little shinier than that one?" "Perhaps the finish is a little higher," ventured the saleslady. "Sh-shinier," said Jethro. "Yes, shinier, if you please to call it so." "W-what would you call it?" By this time the saleslady had become quite hysterical, and altogether incapable of performing her duties.

"What shades of silk would you like, sir?" "Shades? shades? What do you mean by shades?" "Why, colors," said the saleslady, giggling openly. "Green," said Jethro, with considerable emphasis. The saleslady clapped her hand over her mouth and led the way to another model. "You don't call that green do you? That's not green enough."

An extremely full-busted Saleslady, with snapping black eyes, deposited a lean bundle and a ten-cent piece before the work-girl, oddly murmured something that sounded like 'Look who's ear, and then said proudly to Carlisle: "What did you wish 'm?" "Nothing just now, thank you."

Perhaps she has been the bookkeeper of a large concern; or the private secretary to a man of exciting affairs; or she has been the buyer for some house; or she has dabbled in art or literature; or she has been a factory girl mingling with hundreds of others, working hard, but in a large group; or a saleslady in a department store, and domestic life is expected of her as if she had been trained for it.

An interesting fact is that your chambermaid, bellboy, hotel clerk, taxi driver, dressmaker, saleslady, cook and laundress, hairdresser, waiter and bootblack may all and each be a so-called divorcee. I remember tipping my waitress one evening. The next day I received a bunch of American Beauties from that lady, which simply bowled me over at a glance.