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And she proposed that we should go round a little together she said that she had been here so many times, that she felt she could offer herself as our "Sissy Roney." She looked at Josiah as she spoke kinder kokettish, and I thought to myself, You are a-actin' pretty kittenish for a woman of your age. "Sissy!"

"Nor anywhere else in the Jim River Valley, for that matter." As they approached the Roney place, looking dim and indistinct in the darkness, their voices hushed apprehensively, and the noise of the sled-runners slipping through the snow seemed to them to increase from a purr to a roar. "Here, stob a minute!" whispered Nels, in agony of discovery. "Ve're magin' an awful noise.

"For goodness sake, what's come over you, Peter Roney?" she exclaimed. "Are you daft? Don't make such a noise! You'll wake the young ones, and I don't want them waked till need be, with no Christmas for 'em, poor little things!" "Never mind the young 'uns," he replied. "Come on!" As they passed out he noticed the slip of paper under the door and picked it up, but without comment.

Roney gave utterance to a single word, "Geewhilikins!" and started for the house on a run. Into the kitchen, where his wife was just starting the fire, the excited man burst like a whirlwind. "Come out here, Mary!" he cried. "Come out here, quick!" The worthy woman, unaccustomed to such demonstrations, looked at him in amazement.