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The pudor of childhood was always esteemed at Rome: "adolescens pudentissimus" is the highest praise that can be given even to a grown youth; and there are signs that a feeling survived of a certain sacredness of childhood, which Juvenal reflects in his famous words, "Maxima debetur puero reverentia."

Magna debetur pueris reverentia. Quintilian. I am more doubtful in writing the following Essay than in any of those which precede, how far I am treating of human nature generally, or to a certain degree merely recording my own feelings as an individual.

Ceterum nec cohibere parietibus deos, neque in ullam humani oris speciem assimulare, ex magnitudine coelestium arbitrantur: lucos ac nemora consecrant, deorumque nominibus appellant secretum illud, quod sola reverentia vident. X. Auspicia sortesque, ut qui maxime, observant.

"If I talk French, 'tis because, look you, maxima debetur pueris reverentia! We have made up our minds, Brandolaccio and I, that the little girl shall turn out well, and go straight." "When she is turned fifteen," remarked Chilina's uncle, "I'll find a good husband for her. I have one in my eye already." "Shall you make the proposal yourself?" said Orso. "Of course!

So Gr. and K. Others get another idea thus loosely expressed: They give to that sacred recess the name of the divinity that fills the place, which is never profaned by the steps of man. Sola reverentia, cf. sola mente applied by T. to the spiritual religion of the Jews, H. 5, 5.

Suppose to look at its romantic side, as easier of discussion that you, young lady, were passionately adored by the young man at your shoe-shop, and he were to kiss your foot as Vivien did Merlin's, could you would you complain at the desk and lose him his situation? And how about the Pope? Is his Holiness never measured sal a reverentia! for his shoes?

Maxima debetur pueris reverentia, and still more to damsels; but if boys and girls will never go where they will hear more to injure them than they will usually do amidst the ordinary conversation of a hunting field, the maxima reverentia will have been attained.