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This law being intended partly to meet the barbarous violences with which the excesses and quarrels of the Barons had half dismantled Rome, and principally to repeal some old penal laws by which the houses of a certain class of offenders might be destroyed; but the French translator construes it, "Que nulle maison de Rome ne saroit donnee en propre, pour quelque raison que ce put etre; mais que les revenus en appartiendroient au public!"

Ses revenus sont de deux millions et demi de ducats, y compris vingt-cinq mille qu'il perçoit en tributs. [Footnote: Il y a ici erreur de copiste sur ces vingt-cinq mille ducats de tributs; la somme est trop foible. On verra plus bas que le despote de Servie en payoit annuellement cinquante mille

Like wildfire the news of the young queen's generosity spread throughout Paris; and in all the streets, cafe, and cabarets the people were singing this couplet "Vous renoncez, charmante souveraine, Au plus beau de vos revenus; A quol vous serviraiio la celnture de refine, Vous avez celle de Venus."

Certain financial practices, not immediately connected with taxation, call for a short notice; for they are among the most famous errors of the government of old France. "On entendait par la des assignations sur les revenus futurs, remises aux fournisseurs et autres creanciers du Tresor et negociables entre leurs mains." Clamageran, iii. 30. Necker, Compte rendu, 20.

"And do those gentlemen complain and put upon us the death of their horses? No, my fine sir, they return ils reviennent, et sont revenus depuis la Conquete!" With this fine climax madame announced the court as closed. She bowed disdainfully, with a grand and magisterial air, to the defeated claimant, who crept away, sulkily, through the low archway.