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Even in the lowest classes the French must have a little bit of sentiment, and amongst them marriages occur principally from affection, but almost always with the consent of the parents; it is lamentable to think how many young couples destroy each other because they cannot obtain the sanction of the father or mother to one of the parties, and these mistaken lovers really think it less crime to commit suicide than to marry against the consent of their parents, which they are by law empowered to do, provided that they have three times made what is called les sommations respectueuses, that is, having three times respectfully asked their permission, without having obtained which, they cannot marry if not of age under any circumstances; but when no longer minors, and that they have conformed to what the law prescribes, they may be united notwithstanding the opposition of their parents, but it is a case which scarcely ever occurs.

Mademoiselle would have no dot unless her father chose to give her one, and no French marriage is legal without paternal consent or the almost disgraceful expedient of sommations respectueuses. Mademoiselle threatened to enter a convent. Cafétier assured her that no convent opens cordial doors to dotless girls.

'Cela comprend toute l'exploitation de 1863. 'Vous m'excuserez beaucoup de mon retard. 'Je termine en vous présentant mes respectueuses salutations. Vous noublierez pas ce que vous mavez promis' St. Georges, le 24 Juillet, 1864. Dimanche. Instead of three francs the quintal, Mignot had previously told me that he got four francs, delivered at Gland, and five at Geneva.