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Quavers were common property in all musical countries quite early in the 16th century, and semiquavers appear in a madrigal of Palestrina published in 1574.

She had learned it, practised it, rehearsed it to her mother, and had now been childishly eager to show what she could do with it. What she mainly did was to reproduce with a crude fidelity, but in extraordinary detail, the intonations, the personal quavers and cadences of her model.

which the English for Rhime sake translated, 'And into Pity turn'd my Rage. I have known the Word 'And' pursu'd through the whole Gamut, have been entertained with many a melodious 'The', and have heard the most beautiful Graces Quavers and Divisions bestowed upon 'Then, For, and 'From; to the eternal Honour of our English Particles.

It must be a grand thing, said I to myself, that can charm, delight, and draw tears from the eyes of the multitude that can inspire faith, courage, patriotism, devotion and energy, and that, too, by means of little black dots with tails, interspersed with quavers, crotchets, sharps and flats." "Have you composed a sonata yet?"

"My good what, married him whilst bound to marry me?" "It was like this," she explained, with tears in her eyes and quavers in her voice; "don't don't be cruel! I loved him so much, and I thought you might tell him of the past and that grieved me! And then, when I had promised you, I learnt of the rumour that you had sold your first wife at a fair like a horse or cow!

"Praise ye the Lord; with my whole heart The Lord's praise I'll declare." They sang it to "Gainsborough," the favourite tune of the old folk, for it gave an opportunity for restful lingering on every word, and had in it all those much-loved trills and quavers that made up the true accompaniment of a Scottish psalm.

"No; the men were unarmed, and were nearly all intoxicated. You never saw such a troop; scarcely one of them could walk straight; they assumed all sorts of figures; the file of prisoners was just like a bar of music, it was a string of quavers, crotchets, and zig-zags.

In a moment the same little song came like an echo from a bush a few yards away. "The wren sings in stricter time than any bird but the cuckoo," said Father Payne "four quavers to a bar. That's very important! Those two ridiculous creatures will go on doing that half the morning.

The voice said: " Do you speak English? " For one or two seconds he could not even understand English, and then the great fact swelled up and within him. This voice with all its new quavers was still undoubtedly the voice of Prof. Harrison B.Wainwright of Washurst College A CHANGE flashed over Coleman as if it had come from an electric storage.

He sat down idly at the piano and played a few bars softly to himself a beautiful, airy sort of melody, as it shaped itself vaguely in his head at the moment, with a little of the new wine of first love running like a trill through the midst of its fast-flowing quavers and dainty undulations. 'That will do, he said to himself approvingly. 'That will do very well; that's little Miss Butterfly.