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Hell saize the day's pace or happiness ever will be seen in the country, till laws, an' judges, an' Jries, an' jails, an' jailers, an' turnkeys, an' hangmen is all swep out of it. Saize the day. An' along wid them goes the parsons, procthors, tithes an' taxes, all to the devil together. That day's not very far off, d d villains!

"Bravo, Billy Bradly, conshumin' to me but I'm I'm main proud, and that we met you com omin' from the wake to-night; I am, upon my sow owl." "I believe, Billy," said another voice, "you had your own fun wid procthors in your day." "Before the union hell bellows it for a union -but it has been a black sight to the counthry!

Callaghan, says the other; 'that's the curse of the widows and orphans, and the poor in general, that you have oppressed in ordher to keep up a fat an' greedy establishment, says he, 'but in the mane time, keep a good heart we're friends of yours, and wishes you well; and if the curses have come down hot and heavy on your back, we'll take them off it, says he, 'so aisily and purtily, that if you'll only shut your eyes, you'll think yourself in another world I mane of coorse the world you'll go to, says he; 'we have got a few nice and aisy machines here, for ticklin' sich procthors, in ordher to laugh them into health again, and we'll now set you to rights' at wanst.

Amin this night before the union, it's we that did handle the procthors in style; it isn't a cowardly threatenin' notice we'd send them, and end there. No but I'll tell you what we done one night, in them days.

"Scarified into griskins as he was," proceeded Bradly looking at Ned with a grin of contempt "ay, indeed, snug and cosily we laid him in his bed of feadhers, and covered him wid thin scraws for fear he'd catch could he! he! he! That's the way we treated the procthors in our day. I think I desarve a drink now!"

A good drunken supper-party and a police-row; if ye haven't seen one, get it up out of Pater Priggins or Laver might do, if the other wasn't convanient. That's Dublin, to be sure, but one university's just like another. And give us a seduction or two, and a brace of Dons carried home drunk from Barnwell by the Procthors."