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"I always thought," said Fuselli, "he'd get into trouble talking the way he did." "How'd he talk?" asked Daniels. "Oh, he said that war was wrong and all that goddamed pro-German stuff." "D'ye know what they did out at the front?" said Daniels. "In the second division they made two fellers dig their own graves and then shot 'em for sayin' the war was wrong." "Hell, they did?"

I notice little Kitchener always has an attack of croup after any British victory. I do hope he has no pro-German blood in his veins. Nobody knows much about his father's people. "Jims has had a few attacks of croup this fall just the ordinary croup not that terrible thing he had last year. But whatever blood runs in his little veins it is good, healthy blood.

Very soon we find this precious gentleman settled in Copenhagen, where he established a "Society for Studying the Social Consequences of the War," which was, of course, entirely pro-German. This society is said to have exercised considerable influence among the Russians in Copenhagen and to have greatly influenced many Danish Socialists to take Germany's side.

With the assistance of the army, it was soon in control. Czar Nicholas was promptly compelled to abdicate the throne for himself and his young son. At first the crown was offered to his brother, the Grand Duke Michael, but inside of twenty-four hours he declined it, also abdicating formally. The Czar and imperial family were confined, while the former pro-German ministers were thrown into prison.

Every possible plea to justify Germany's position has been enthusiastically spread abroad by the German-American press, and with that love of "fair play" which is a widely-recognised characteristic of Americans, even those papers which believe Germany responsible for the war and its worst horrors, have printed volumes of material from pro-German authors in order that the whole truth might be known by a full and free discussion of both sides of every question.

And it was always Germany who obtained preferential treatment. This bias springs from causes which are stable and deep-rooted. The bulk of the Swiss people are frankly pro-German in their sympathies and their military chiefs side with the Teuton on most of those questions of principle which form the line of cleavage between him and the allied peoples.

"He is not in sympathy with all of the plans advanced by his leader," she said, after a moment's reflection. "Your sympathies are with the Entente Allies, the prince's are opposed? Is that part of Sprouse's story true?" "Yes." "And O'Dowd?" "O'Dowd is anti-English, Mr. Barnes, if that conveys anything to you. He is not pro-German. Perhaps you will understand."

Total............ 474 164 Grand total of ships sunk...... King Constantine I of Greece was forced by the Allies to abdicate his throne on June 12, 1917, in favor of his second son, Prince Alexander. The kingdom remained, but not a pro-German one as before.

It is doubtless this characteristic that has made so many bureaucratic or orthodox socialists instinctively Pro-German in sentiment and sympathy during the War. The contrasting type of socialism is that which is really the full development of democracy, its movement from a narrow individualism to ever wider voluntary co-operation.

But what prospect had he of ever returning with the frontiers closed and ingress and egress practically barred even to pro-German neutrals? Many a night in the trenches I had a mental vision of Francis, so debonair and so fearless, facing a firing squad of Prussian privates.