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"Cock! yes, I guess there be, and quail, too, pretty plenty! quite a smart chance of them, and not a shot fired among them this fall, any how!" "Well, which way must we beat to-morrow? I calculate to shoot three days with you here; and, on Wednesday night, when we get in, to hitch up and drive into Sullivan, and see if we can't get a deer or two! You'll go, Tom?"

Dorothy Martin hasn't made a secret of her opinion of the other try-out. With Miss Rutledge there to-morrow as one of the judges and neither Laura nor I acting with her, it's going to look pretty bad for us." "I tell you I sha'n't be there to-morrow," snapped Marian. "Then you'll get yourself into trouble with Miss Rutledge and lose your position anyway," returned Selina with equal asperity.

I don't believe the gypsies are half as bad as they are painted, anyhow, but, even if he would be willing to do it, he'd be afraid. The guides would soon run him out of the preserve if they found him here; no one is supposed to be on it, without permission. And a gypsy couldn't get that, I know." "But it's a pretty big place, and there aren't so very many guides.

It was a mountainous country covered with thick jungle, a most confusing country, and I had an awful time trying to get into the fight and trying to do what was right when in it; and all the while I was thinking that I was the only man who did not know what I was about, and that all the others did whereas, as I found out later, pretty much everybody else was as much in the dark as I was.

"I have a tea-service from there, and I am in hopes of matching it. I had a good many breakages last winter with a dreadfully careless servant, and there is a good deal to replace." "I don't think I know the Grünstein china," I said. "Is it very pretty?" "It is very like the blue-and-white that one sees so much of with us," said Frau von Walden.

"She was not plain," she tells us, "but had fine eyes, a good complexion, and a pretty figure. She spoke well when she was in the humour to talk."

"'Nay, then, quoth the merchant, 'thou art not for me. 'Nor, quoth the inn-holder, 'my wiffe shalt thou be. 'I lothe, said the gentle, 'a beggar's degree; And therefore adewe, my pretty Bessee."

Lookaloft after "the woman that owned him," and had, as she thought, been on the whole able to hold her own pretty well against her aspiring neighbour. Now, however, she found herself distinctly put into a separate and inferior class. Mrs.

I'll go to her room pretty soon, after she is quieted down, and have a good, calm old fatherly conversation with her." The colonel was spared this errand; for Kitty had left some of her things on Fanny's table, and now came back for them with a lamp in her hand.

"And here's where she's made her nest," said little Jane, stepping aside from a tangle of blackberry-vines, herds-grass, and harebells, where lay a half-dozen pullet pearls. "A pretty mother you'd make, Miss, gadding and gossiping down in the meadow with that naughty black hen! Who do you suppose is going to bring up your family for you?